11 Tips To Make Perfect First Impression

Everyone of us wants to make friends with somebody or even more,

but the first thing you need to maintain is good impression.

Today JiJi is going to tell you a lot about it!


1. Pay attention to your clothes

You don’t have to be a fashion expert, but make sure that your clothes are neat and each item suits one another. You know that

people judge by appearances.

Also, your clothes should be appropriate for a specific occasion (for instance, you can’t wear jeans on the job interview, especially if a company is conservative and respective).

2. Countenance and manner of speech matter!

Who would you prefer to make up with – a person who always frowns or one with a sincere smile on his face? You may agree that the second variant is much more attractive! Therefore, look and the mirror, fall in love with yourself and go outside to meet new people with a smiling face!

Another important thing is manner of speech. Let your voice be calm, confident and loud enough to hear what you are saying. Moreover, have you ever heard of body language? It’s nonverbal signal for people to think of you in a specific manner. For instance, upright posture and a smile my tell your partner you’re a confident, outgoing person. Practise it!


3. Don’t try to impress

It’s valuable when you appreciate other people, but don’t try too hard to impress them – it may have a negative effect. Why? People won’t notice something strange – they will feel it. People tend to feel something fake even if they don’t really understand what’s wrong. And you will spoil the impression you could have made. So, be yourself!

4. Don’t change your natural behaviour

No, it doesn’t mean that you have to forget about the etiquette. On the contrary, follow it! But don’t pretend to be someone else. In any case, people will find out truth sooner or later, and you are unlikely to be forgiven by public opinion. Therefore, don’t change the way you live for a new society.


5. Use the name of your partner

A lot of people have some difficulties with remembering the name of person they are talking to. A great way to memorize the name is to repeat it as often as possible (when it’s suitable, of course). Moreover, this trick is important to people – they are pleased that you are interested in communicating with them.

6. Be attentive

One more secret for you to be adored by people who see you for the first time is listening to them. Be a person who really cares about their mortgage, children etc. Don’t be afraid to ask more questions – it shows your interest. People will definitely like to chat with you!


7. Be careful with humour!

Because of cultural diversity and variations in thinking of everyone of us, we recommend you to avoid peculiar jokes. It may be funny for you, but other people may not understand you or simply find it rude. Therefore, every joke is almost a risky affair, so use your sense of humour with prudence.

8. Forget about arguments!

The thing is that disputes are quite fascinating thing when you know a person for some time. But when you meet someone new, it’s important to keep up to simple, neutral topics to discuss, especially if you have special view considering something (for instance, gay marriages or so on). To make a good first impression it will be enough for you to listen to others and tell a bit of common information about yourself.

9. Tell the truth

No, it doesn’t mean that you have to tell people what you thing about them, especially if you don’t like their personalities. It means that you shouldn’t lie about yourself. Moreover, be brave to acknowledge that you may not be competent in some domains or that you are unfamiliar with that book/film. First of all, it will protect you from future troubles. Secondly, you will show your vulnerability, and it’s quite weighty for people to know that nobody is perfect.

10. Do something useful for a person

People always remember those who help them. It may not be something extremely valuable or even material – you can always give good advice or be a source of positive emotions! Try to cheer up a person who is bored, advise the bank with low interest rates and so on. People will be thankful!


11. Don’t be bothersome

Well, not everybody is as open-minded and easy-going like you, so the best thing you can do to prevent yourself from being bothersome is delicately leave this person alone. Furthermore, it’s a chance to gain a reputation of tolerant and patient person! 😉 Also you can make up with another person and find him/her more talkative.

Anyway, we’ve provided you with tips to shine bright like a diamond when meeting new people.

JiJi cares about you!