8 Types Of Men No Woman Can Stand

Undoubtedly, there are no perfect people and there are traits we should bear with. But sometimes we meet people that we cannot literally stand. And there are types of men no woman would like to twist her fortune with.

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#1 – The Mama’s Boy

kKUkUFlbiHIIt is true that most of the women take into account the way their potential partners treat their moms. And it is important for them if you do respect your mother and if you are ready to help and support her anytime she might be in need. But it is definitely too much if you start comparing the woman you have chosen and your mom. Don’t try to make her cook like your mother or dress and behave similar. The fact that you want to make your woman your other mom will push her away as no one wants to pretend being the person they are not.

#2 – The Baby Boy

Cd1qalcEOYkAlong with crying all the time he takes any misunderstandings personally. When a girl doesn’t reply right away he feels offended and replies short messages like ‘ok’ afterwards and is waiting for apologies. The baby boy is a way too emotional and far from being a strong man that all women have desire for.

#3 – The Loser Boy

pYKNLUQWsn0This type of men is the one who hasn’t succeeded in anything and doesn’t have any motivation to. He is just lying on the coach and playing video games all day long and has all the bills paid by his mom. Do you need any other arguments? This, I think, just enough.

#4 – The Pushover Boy

UdWti2J_H68Women like guys who are ready to move the mountains for them, but they literally can’t stand the ones who do for them even the smallest things. Women like to be turned down sometimes even not knowing about that. And if you can’t say “no”, you are no longer a man in her eyes.

Read about other male types women can’t stand on the following page.

#5 – The Bodybuilder Boy

Fswu4DJkptUThere’s no doubt it’s quite appealing to women when a guy watches after his health and his body. Every self-respecting man should do physical exercises and keep his belly up. It is all good unless it turns out to be an obsession. This is how men lose their minds and start overworkout making your body look too muscular with the veins out. The next stage in such situations is taking photos and posting lots of them on Instagram. So what can I say? The man is lost.

#6 – The Bad Boy

qLZ534o7c1EYou may argue that bad boys on the contrary seem to be appreciated much by women, but still there are “too bad” ones that must be included into our list. They are criminals and those who just came out of jail. They are those who can easily put a hand on a female or talk to them down. Such behavior is definitely unacceptable and will lead to a complete women’s disgust.

#7 – The Complaining Boy

Ky7Ky1OWm1IAnyone who wants to be in healthy relationships searches for love, trust, and happiness. But if there is always something that dissatisfies you and you are complaining about every small mistake your woman makes, it will soon make her leave you for God’s sake. No one likes to be stressed out all the time expecting another fight in any next moment.

#8 – The Awkward Boy

0rXXg-28x3QWhat do I mean by the word ‘awkward’? It means what it is. It is when you interact with people in a strange way like replying with one-word answers or not laughing at any attempt of someone else making a joke. Maybe, you are just not a sociable person, but it’s not an excuse. It’s just awkward!

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