Fitness In 20, 30, 40 And 50!

You just don`t see yourself lifting big weights in a gym in your 40 – or contesting in swimming with young people, don`t you? Good news is that you don`t have to! Because each age has its own set and intensity of fitness exercises!


We will reveal all those secrets – just read carefully and listen to your breathing!


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What are the best sports activities when you’re 20?

Go to the next page & find it out!

Fitness in 20

At this age it is easy to maintain excellent form because the metabolic processes are going fast and the body works almost without a glitch. Calorie consumption is huge, and you don’t need to put a lot of effort in it. But you have to build the “base” for the future, so now it`s high time for you to develop a habit for endurance and strengthen your muscles.


Dance classes and step aerobics. In your 20 you will not get tired doing that, even during long sessions. Dancing increases blood circulation, gives a burst of energy, tones the muscles and brings pleasure! As for the step aerobics, even one training per week (with an experienced trainer) will give your body the necessary muscle loading.


Elliptical trainers. Exercising 3-4 times a week for half an hour will provide the necessary cardiac load. Usually the body gets this kind of load during prolonged walking or running. If there is no extra time – buy a trainer and practice at home in comfort!


Strength exercise contribute to the strengthening of different groups of muscles, you should start with the intensive trainings 3 times a week. At this age, the body is still forming – so take your chance!

Jogging. If your knees and ankles are in good condition, you can run often and for long distances. If cardio-simulators are boring for you, running would be the best cardio workout.

Yoga. Regular yoga practicing improves flexibility and relieve the stress. Start with 2 times a week. You can buy video lessons on DVD and practice at home.

What about the fitness exercises when you’re 30?

Go to the next page & find it out!

Fitness in 30

Without physical activity you’ll spend at 125 k/CAL per day less than in youth, lose up to 2% of muscle mass per year. The joints and bones are starting to age, as a consequence you will feel an overall discomfort, weakness, and if you hurt yourself, the recovery will require a lot of time.


Yoga and Pilates. Universal workouts, not time-consuming, requiring no sports equipment and having advantages for every age. Begin with 2 times a week.

Jogging. If you started running for the first time only in 30 years – it is better to choose a leisurely run for long distances. The exercises will train endurance and support the body in tone. And don`t be afraid, your it won`t hurt your joints – you are not old enough for that. Pay special attention to high-quality running shoes.


Riding on a bike. If running gives a strong stress on joints – replace it with riding on a bike – this is one of the best cardio workouts! If you live far from the green zone, the spinning bike is a good substitute.

Strength exercise. Wanna have a nice figure even after 30 – you definitely have a chance! Choose the exercises for thighs, buttocks, upper arms. Training in conjunction with proper diet will quickly “chase away” the body fat.


Team sports. A great way to preserve youth and get joy from communicating with nice people who support your views on healthy lifestyle! You can even bring kids to such a workout!

How about exercising in 40?

Go to the next page & find it out!

Fitness in 40

At this age, the main problem is bones, you lose to 1% of bone mass per year. It’s up to the menopause, and when it starts, women start gaining fat due to hormonal failure. Regular exercises can help alleviate these problems.

African man helping woman on exercise equipment

Swimming. Start visiting a pool 4-5 times a week, gradually increasing the intensity of water exercises. Alternate swimming with aqua aerobics, and when you are ready – practice winter swimming.

Strength exercise. Don’t even try to reclaim young body using bodybuilding at this age! Trainings will help maintain tone in the body, to maintain the desired body shape. Use light weights, consult with a trainer about individual programs.

Yoga. Versatile and beloved by many women yoga is very useful for maintaining flexibility and tone. And it’s only with 2 classes per week!


Exercises to strengthen your back. In 40 it is very important! Exercises will help keep your posture, strengthen the back muscles and get rid of the pain.

Jogging or fast walking are great!

Cycling training. Great cardio load – and your feet are in tone, an excellent prevention of cellulite!

Finally, what sports activities will be good in 50?

Go to the next page & find it out!

Fitness in 50

At this age you lose muscle mass, which compensates with fat. For women, this means not only gaining weight, but also changing shape – waist size is approaching the volume of hips. Such violations are reflected in the work of the heart and blood vessels, and on joint health.


Swimming. Four or five classes of swimming in a low pace for 20-30 minutes will serve as an excellent training for the heart and the body as a whole!

Tai Chi. Any Chinese gymnastics at this age will give flexibility and tone to the body, not burdening the joints and muscles. Train outdoors.


Strength exercise. In 50 you need them not for “pumping muscles”, but for tone. Small weight, good coach, emphasis on back – that`s what you need!

Yoga. It is suitable for any age!


Walking. Choose walking 5 days a week for half an hour. Fast enough to train your breathing.

Exercises for the back.  Did you know that nearly 90% of older people experience back pain. And the main causes of these pain is the excess weight and lack of physical activity. But the main thing is to consult with a specialist to choose good exercises!


Have no time or desire to go to the gym? Buy best sports products on JiJi – you will save your time and money!



I love to always be in the epicenter of the events, and then tell the world about it in the most diverse forms.I believe that many rules are created in order to break them in an attempt to create something new.Many of us sometimes need to stop for a moment, perhaps lose something in order to rethink our existence and understand in which direction we need to move.In addition to blogging, I am fond of music composing, traveling, self-studying and meditation. I sincerely believe that if you go your own way and listen to your inner voice, you will definitely come where you were going!