5 Steps To Follow To Get A Job

Looking for a job for a long time and can’t manage to get hired? Maybe there is something wrong you do or some important steps you are missing? Let’s find out about that together!

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Step #1 – Understand what’s important for you

1When beginning the process of job-search always start from yourself and your own preferences. Think what working environment is the most comfortable for you – whether you’d like to work in a small or a big company, what its corporate culture should look like, and what benefits should the company offer?

Step #2 – Start searching

2Since you are successfully done with defining your key requirements to your future job, it’s the right time to proceed with searching itself. Define several sources of your job search. Look on the special web-sites like Jiji, ask your friends and acquaintances, contact headhunters and recruiting agencies. Make everyone and everything involved in helping you find that right place for you.

Step #3 – Get prepared

3When you are done with the list of companies that suit your requirements best, it is the time to make yourself suit the companies’ requirements. Start from your CV – update it with the latest information, delete old unnecessary one, and get prepared with the answers you might be given at the job interview.

Step #4 – Do your homework

4Before actually moving to the last step, which is the job interview, do some research about the company you are applying to. Get acquainted with its history, its management board, its main activity. Read the comments on the forums left by the current and ex-employees. Get as much information as it is possible and prepare a couple of questions that might interest you.

Step #5 – Job interview

5Finally, it’s the time for the interview itself. Prepare beforehand – it regards both to your outlook and your mental health. Don’t do any too intensive work the day before your interview, go to bed early to have just right amount of time sleep. Choose what clothes you will wear and iron it in the evening. Come to the place 5 minutes earlier and show you are punctual. Print out your CV and take it with you (just in case HR specialist forgets to do that) – show you are responsible and thoughtful. Don’t be nervous and take a good mood with you – this is probably the biggest secret to the success in your job-search.

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