What You Need To Become Arrestive Personality For HR?

The first person, who chooses, do you deserve to spent time for interview is HR. Mo matter, big or small company you want to work in, HR-manager will read you CV, if there he find something interesting , he can call you and invite to pass face-to-face interview. Why some people get the main prize of a response to an invitation for a job interview, and some are “sent to the trash”. The reasons for the latter course very different, and not in the least dependent on the personal opinions of the recruiter.

But there is a universal set of “stop signals”, which many modern HR-managers don’t like. Let’s discuss it!

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“Blank Features”

Smart, hard-working, successful and educated? This qualities are excellent, but do not put them to the list of merits in your resume. Anyone can tell similar characteristics about himself, but they say nothing to HR-manager – They cannot be checked without the continuous communication. Any employer would prefer to see something more vindicated by experience – the candidate should not write that is “a born leader”, if he has no experience in team management.


Recommendations, in fact – it’s very cool. Through the provided contacts,  HR-manager can see for himsels the veracity of the candidate characteristics, can get some new information, or vice versa to learn something that will make throw away the liar’s CV. Another thing – the correct use of the recommendations. It is better, for example, not to add  them to the resume itself. It is best to specify a string that you “are ready to provide contact details of previous employers on your request” – simply, succinctly, it does not take a lot of place.
And candidate looks more confident and imposing!

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Incorrect information

Many people know this is an irresistible desire to add a month or two to the length of service in a previous job, especially when a new job is very much needed. And it seems like it’s even easy – to stretch the term of the internship in a large company from a couple of months to a year, correcting a few characters. Few suspects, however, that in such a case, you can catch a lot of problems on your head. For example, the interview may emerge a question about the projects in which the candidate did not participate. Or recruiter can simply ask for a reference to the previous employer, which can also quickly convict lies. Oh, and in genera: lies in CV or resume – a complicated matter; even if the candidate will get to the vacancy, he would have to eke the burden lies. And if you start to lie from the very begining, someone can quess about it by mismatches in your stories! Not to mention the fact that the lie – not very good. Even outside of the working plane.

Gaps in working activities

Yes, with everyone can happen the situation, when sometimes a candidate can not work or can allow himself not to work for a few time, which is why appear “blanks” in the list of jobs. Could it be because of a simple unemployment, of course, but such empty spaces in the resume can often be a sign of not the best candidate. The employer, in most cases wants to know what you were doing the last few years, sometimes even up to a month. If gaps still there, then the candidate needs to prepare for possible issues. The best options are: studying, traveling around the world and taking care of the family. You can even do not point the months in the experience list.

Typing errors, mistakes, poor grammar

It is not necessary to sent recruiter a poorly written resume – first get rid of thegrammar mistakes, for example with the same Word. Read wrong written text is always painful – and it is not even the formalities of the hiring process, but simply the human side.

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And anyway, how to pull up the attractiveness of your resume?

Long story

HR-managers – not the most rich for the time people; it is not enough for them to look after the team, so also to look for new members! Accordingly, the reading of multi-page stories for them turns into nothing but a wasting of time, better spent to some other duty. This is understandable, if candidate changed a lot a lot of jobs, but it’s better to remember that brevity is kinship with talent.

The optimum amount of resume, according to many HRs – 2-3 pages of A4 format.

Small volume

At the same time, do not make your CV too short, everything is good in moderation. Keep filled with at least one sheet, even if you experience a little. If you write nothing at all, shall describe more about education, skills and your vision of the work on the proposed position.


What the applicant is engaged in his spare time, hardly concerns recruiter. Do not describe all features of your hobbies – just count them. If HR-manager is interested, you can tell about your hobby at a job interview. Infests resume with excess information still not worth it.


Jobseeker’s worth remembering that he provides information in the CV to official of the company, so eliminate jargon, vernacular words, and even more cursing with smiles from the text. The only thing that can remain – proffesional slang, but not too much – it can indicate, that you follow the trends in your professional field.

Standards resume differ from company to company; there are no any rules for its design, and there are a lot of examples of them in the public domain. Use this guidelines no matter how you want to create something eye-cathing!

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