4 Types Of Fitness For Obese People

To start a weight loss program is hard for everyone, but it can be especially difficult if you have too much overweight. The idea to visit the fitness center might get one scared because it is full of beautiful and slim girls and guys. But  your own training program due to which you make first steps to fight obesity will help for the first time. Change your life by adding exercises, you will feel much better, mood swings will disappear, you will improve health, become much tougher, not to mention the fact that you will lose excess weight.

So how to start?

First of all, make sure that you are healthy enough for physical activity. Visit your doctor and find out whether you have any limitations for physical training. Then select a workout that you like and that you can perform without discomfort. These four programs are particularly well suited for beginners.

Look at what interests you, and then use these tips to get started on the path to a more beautiful and healthy body with Jiji!

1. Walking

This seems an obvious choice, but there is a reason why walking tops the list of best exercises for weight loss. Walking requires very little equipment and it can be done almost everywhere. Walking does not have a strong effect on the body, but improves the strength and mobility in the lower part of the body, and can be performed everywhere in different intensity.

To walk you will need a couple of good shoes and comfortable clothing – you can find them on Jiji!

If you have a lot of excess weight, start your workouts with 10-15 minutes each day and gradually add time, bringing the exercise to 30 minutes. In the beginning, you can not worry too much about the pace, and when you get used to the load, you can change the tempo. Studies show that moderate-intensity walking is achieved by performing a minute 100 steps or 30 minutes of 3000 steps.

Buy an inexpensive pedometer on Jiji and you will easily track your results!!!

2. Aqua jogging

Water sports are particularly well suited for people who have painful joints or previously had a sports injury. It does not always attend water aerobics classes, but the alternative could be aqua jogging in the sea. To get the most from this exercises, you should not touch the bottom of the pool or sea during the run. This exercise requires a lot of effort, and the result will not make you wait long.

Fitness classes on Jiji – easiest solution for your health!

3. Group lessons

Find the group classes that will be suitable for you to meet your needs and possibilities on Jiji. Such classes are the best way to stay on the path of weight loss, because in the group lessons, you get the support and good advice from people like you.

4. Power training

There are many reasons to start power training, such exercises not only strengthen the muscles but also develop the joints, increasing a range of motion. There are several options for power training – you can go to the gym, or buy dumbbells and perform at home. By increasing muscle mass in the body, you will speed up the metabolism and adipose tissue will be fade faster.

Change your life with Jiji!