5 Ways To Abstract Yourself From Losing Your Mind At Work

There is no easy work. Moreover, there is no work that wouldn’t influence us psychologically. All of us are glad when we achieve success, and are sad when there are any falls. That’s why it is so difficult to keep your mind clear, so it doesn’t gets you crazy.

Learn to keep yourself in hands with Jiji.ng

#1 – Don’t try to control everything

1The stress comes when there are definite circumstances appearing that we cannot control. That is why it is important to remember that every problem consists of 50% factors we can and 50% factors we cannot control. The impacts we cannot control draw us closer like a magnet. But you shouldn’t concentrate your attention on those factors, as they will surely get you into the stress-area where you won’t be able to find the way out.

#2 – Take A Problem As A Permanent Occurrence

2It is much easier to deal with the problems if you take them as something temporary. In a word, convince yourself in this way – “This problem is going to be solved quickly as it impacts only one concrete situation and not my entire life”.

There are two types of human thinking – fixed and developmental one. The fixed thinking is restricted with the borders one is not capable to cross over. The developmental thinking is capable to bring you further beyond your own limitations and give you the new experience.

#3 – Delegate

3Seek for the ways to delegate functions and tasks. It is like juggling with the glass and rubber balls. You have to put much of your attention to the glass ones as the rubber balls are not going to break if they fall, besides, they can be easily transferred to someone else.

#4 – Say “No” Correctly

4Here are several tips how to formulate your “no-answer” correctly. Say, “I’m really sorry, but I can’t help you with…” or put the obligations on someone else, “I promised my husband, son that I would be having breakfast with them at least twice a week, so…”

#5 – Learn To Breathe

5In order to relax a bit, one must know where to push the “turn-off button”. Such methods are the breathing gymnastics and meditation, which have become increasingly popular nowadays. One must admit they are also quite useful and easy to perform right at the working place.

One of the exercises you can use is – inhale through your nose, hold your breath, and exhale through your nose. Everything should be executed with the equal count.

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