7 Tips To Help Your Child Get To School In Time

All we know that it is bad to be late. However, each one of us allows ourselves to lie in bed for a couple of extra minutes in the morning or stay at home for longer to choose the perfect outfit. The same problems might be the issue for your children as well. And it is worth reminding that having engrained such bad habits from the very childhood is a bad thing. Let’s help your children to avoid the habit of being late right away!

Be always in time with Jiji

Tip #1 – Example to emulate

1If you force your child to wake up early in the morning, but at the same time remain in bed till the very last moment, then you show a bad example to your kids. Or another example – you are sitting next to your computer till late night, but want your children to do on the contrary. Remember, if you want your children to behave well, you are the first example they will follow.

Tip #2 – Breakfast

2Many people consider breakfasting a totally unnecessary thing. However, almost all of the doctors are ready to contradict this misjudgment. Breakfast is the foundation of the day. Besides, no matter what you eat in the morning, it will not do any harm to your figure. So try to make it a habit for your children to have breakfast. Give them something delicious and every other time something new. In such a way, your children will be excited to get up early and will not be late to school.

Tip #3 – School subject

3Take a note when exactly your son or your daughter is late for school. Maybe you will notice one particular subject that your child tries to avoid. If it is indeed so, talk to your kid. Maybe the reason is that he/she didn’t find the common ground with the teacher or your kid doesn’t understand the subject at all. Maybe it is worth talking to the teacher or taking some extra classes to improve your child’s progress in studies.

Tip #4 – Way to school

4A big number of schoolchildren get to school on their own. And very often the distance is pretty big. So it is not a surprise that children get to school late. Constant traffic jams, late school buses – these factors can really damage the punctuality of your child. In this case, consider an option of choosing the school, which is located closer or the one where you could drive your child in your own car when going to work.

Tip #5 – Plans for the day

5Maybe your child just lacks a good organization. Help your children to plan their time, so they are always and everywhere in time. When you know for certain and in what order you should perform all of your tasks, it is much easier to count where and at what time you should be.

Tip #6 – It is ill-mannered

6Highlight that fact that being late doesn’t only influence your child’s performance for the day, but it also influences other people’s lives. When your son or daughter enters a classroom 15 minutes after the beginning of the lesson, he/she doesn’t only skip some important educational material, but they also interrupt other pupils and the teacher.

Tip #7 – Schoolmates’ help

7The last but not least tip to help your children get to school in time is to offer them to agree with some of their schoolmates to go to school together. They can call or message each other right after waking up, then right before going out to school. Besides, it will be much more interesting for your kid to share the road to school with someone of their peers.

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