How To Keep Your Password Secure

Online security has become a very important part of our internet experience, as every day there are more and more reports on leaked information and cyber attacks. There is a number of different ways a dishonest person could use your personal data, that’s why you need to keep it safe. Here are a few tips, that will make your information online more secure. Stay safe with Jiji!


Don’t share your password with anyone


Keep your password to yourself and don’t give it to even good friends – they may accidentally pass it along (or maybe after some time they might not be such a good friend and do it on purpose).

Don’t use one password for everything

It may be difficult to remember all the passwords for every different website, but if you’ll use only one password, you will compromise every account you’re using it for.

Make it longKeepCalmLongPasswords

Most services demand your password to be at least 8 characters long. Don’t stop there, 12 or 16 characters would be much better.

Make it harder

According to research, despite all the media warnings, 95% of the users still create really easy passwords, like 123456789 or qwerty or just “password”. Traditional password advices, which are still great way to strengthen your defenses, include:

  • Include numbers, symbols, capital and lower-case letters, mix them up
  • Don’t use dictionary words or even their obvious substitutions (like d0g instead of dog)

Memorize it

The best password is usually a random combination of symbols, but it is really difficult to remember this combination. There are a few ways to create really safe password, that you will find no problem remembering:

  • Make an easy to remember sentence and use first digits of every word for your password. For example, “My mom was born in ’66. She is a third child” = “Mmwbi66.Si3c”
  • The Passphrase. Although this method doesn’t follow the traditional approach, it proved itself to be quite good. Nice explanation of it is made in this comic by XKCD:xkcd-password-strength

Generate random words (there are services for this on the internet, people aren’t good at coming up with sufficiently random combinations) and make up a sentence out of them.

Don’t keep it in plain sight

It is popular, especially among the older generation, to write their password on a piece of paper and keep it somewhere close to their computer. This is really not a good strategy, better keep your password in the only safe place for it – your head.

Use password or fingerprints for your phonephone

It is really easy to steal the information from the person’s phone, so be extra careful about the security of your device.