Secret Massage Technique For Beautiful Face massage at home is the most simple and affordable way to maintain the beauty, youth and health of skin. Facial massage strengthens the muscles and blood vessels, prevents and removes wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, eliminates fat deposits on the cheeks and chin, as well as prevents and eliminates sagging skin in the cheeks and chin. Massage stimulates the metabolic processes in the skin and improves its elasticity. For best results, JiJi recommends a combination of massage with facial exercises and the use of special serums and creams.

JiJi – all for your beauty! what age we should begin to massage the face? Beauticians recommend doing a facial massage with the already 27-29 years. To prevent premature aging of the skin, every woman should learn simple massage techniques for home and do it every day, every other day, or for a certain time, such as 10-15 days. You agree that not every woman has the opportunity to visit the beauty salon on a daily basis.

Duration of the first massage – no more than 5 minutes. Next massage can already be carried out for 10-15 minutes. Facial massage is best done in the evening for 1 or 2 hours before bedtime.

As every procedure, face massage has contraindications: massage is contraindicated if you have inflammation of the skin, ingrown facial hair, warts, and herpes.

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Techniques of facial massage

Stroking – operate with your fingertips or palm. Stroking enhances the flow of blood and removes toxins. – operate with your fingertips in a circular motion. This massage techniques eliminates swelling, stimulates blood circulation, softens scars, removes fat deposits on the face.

Kneading – use two or three fingers to capture the facial muscles and warm up them. It relieves muscle tension and improves skin nourishment.

Patting – not strong quick blows at close range. Perform first fingertips, then the whole palm or heel of your hand. As a result, improves the function of sebaceous glands, strengthens facial muscles.

Vibration – The tips of the fingers or the palm is placed on the face and produce vibrating motion.

Tingling – operate the thumb and index finger on the massage lines, making deep terminals.

Applications. This special massage technique is performed with fingers and the whole hand by pressing on the face. This method will help to make a clear oval face.

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Wash hands with soap and water, sit in front of a mirror, clean face with lotion for dry, normal or oily skin, that fits you or simply wash with soap and water and wipe dry face. Then make a hot compress for 2 minutes. Then apply a thin layer of nourishing cream, which you use in the evening. If the massage is done in the morning or in the afternoon, then use a special massage cream or massage oil. For oily skin you can use the olive oil with the lemon juice. Now proceed with the massage.


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Massage is performed with both hands, fingers stroking easily skin. The effect is achieved by regular massage movements that eliminates a lot of pressure and stretching the skin.

Facial massage is starting from brow. To this point, make circular movements with the middle and ring fingers  from the nose to the hairline. If there are forehead wrinkles, apply kneading longitudinal wrinkles and transverse stroking them.• Then continue to move along the bottom border of the circular eye muscle from the temple to the inner corner of the eye. Around the eyes make very light massaging movements.

• After reaching the nose, move the middle finger in the nose wing and gradually transfer movement tp the nasal cartilage.

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• Then continue to move along the upper border of the circular eye muscle from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner.

• From the outer corner of the eye move smoothly on the cheeks and add another finger. Use three fingers to massage the cheeks in a circular motion from the corner of the lips to temples.

• Massage of facial wrinkles in the corners of the mouth is performed by movements from the chin to the corners of the mouth.

• Massage the chin and cheekbones with energetic movements of the fingers.

• Massage the neck is carried out with light strokes from collarbone to chin.

• At the end of the massage to make pat whole face, chin, neck, and then perform the light stroking.

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Facial massage against wrinkles

Massage the face of wrinkles is done in combination with any cream (night). The entire program will take no more than 5 minutes a day, but it is necessary to perform regularly. The massage is performed by pinching.

1. Work through the eyebrows, making deep clamps and moving from the nose to the temples.

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2. Deep pinching, first knead the skin between the eyebrows, and then the skin on the forehead, moving in one direction from temple to temple – to smooth longitudinal wrinkles. Gently pinching, work through the skin in the outer corners of eyes – prevention of “crow’s feet”.

4. Deep clamps on the cheeks, from the center to the periphery, to stimulate metabolism and prevent the formation of wrinkles on the deepest level.

5. Deep tingling from the mouth to the nose over the rising wings, to prevent the formation of deep wrinkles in the nasolabial folds.

6. Assemble the cams and fingers stroking the skin in a circular motion, moving from the center of the chin to the ears – it will make the facial contours clearer.

Don’t miss FACIAL MASSAGE with ICE on next page!

Facial massage with ice cube Massage with ice supports the skin tone, eliminates puffiness and refreshes the face. the face with ice is best done in a hot tub. If you can not do this, then you can get a bowl of hot water, soft bath towel and  2-3 ice cubes. Towel dipped in hot water, wring out well and put on the face and neck, hold for 5-10 minutes. When the towel cools down, it is necessary to take an ice cube and apply it to the skin of the face, neck and chest. Movement should be smooth, without any pressure. At the end of the massage again apply a hot towel for 2 minutes, rinse your face with cool water and apply a nourishing cream. After 3-4 treatments with ice wrinkles wil smooth and the skin will look younger.

Best use frozen mineral not carbonated water, green tea, infusions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, mint and others.

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