How to Get Rid of Pimples and Have a Flawless Skin

One of the questions bothering hundreds of thousands of girls is how to get flawless skin. It is complicated to say, whether cosmetics or natural ways to get rid of pimples is more effective – it depends on individual peculiarities of the skin.

The only way to find out which one is better for you is to try several different approaches when searching for the way how to stop pimples. Take a minute to find out the roots of this problem and the basics of pimple treatment.

Why do pimples appear?

The majority look for the way how to remove pimples in one day. However, it sounds more like a myth: the reasons of skin problems often lie deeper than external symptoms. Consequently, even the best pimple cream is not always effective for dealing with pimples.

flawless skin

Some of the most common reasons are:

  • sex hormone disbalance
  • medical therapy
  • gastroenteric tract diseases
  • genital system diseases
  • disbacteriosis
  • staphylococcosis / streptococcosis
  • fast food and food of low quality
  • hormonal drugs and contraceptives use
  • stress and depression
  • low-quality decorative cosmetics

How to treat pimples

The answer to “What can i use for pimples?” depends on the primary reason. Pimples are a serious problem regardless of person’s age. Besides physical discomfort, they often cause psychological problems. If you are curious about how to remove pimples naturally, start with figuring out the reason.

Malnutrition and genital system dysfunction mean you eat too much fast food, fried food, and overeat in general. In this case, you should visit a doctor and make sure you do not have serious diseases. Meanwhile, the first natural remedy for acne is reducing the amount of junk food you eat.

flawless skin

Wrong skin care, in other words, using cosmetic goods which do not fit your skin type, often leads to eruption, as well as using too much makeup. In this case, choose the appropriate cosmetics and devote enough time to skin purification.

Hormonal dysfunction is one of the most common reasons of skin diseases. Women suffer of pimples during periods, after pregnancy, and in other cases when hormonal disbalance occurs. In this case, in addition to home remedies for pimples, it will be appropriate to use a doctor.

How to get rid of pimples naturally: masks

It is not always possible to get rid of pimples overnight; nevertheless, you should pay attention to several natural remedies for pimples. These are simple masks you can make at home and remove pimples from face applying well-tried and reliable methods.

flawless skin

Sour cream mask


  • 1 cup of cream
  • 1 cup of oatmeal
  • lemon juice

How to use

Grind up oatmeal, mix with cream, add several drops of lemon juice, and apply for 20 minutes. Repeat every day during a month.

Honey mask


  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • 1 egg yolk
  • lemon juice

How to use

Mix everything and apply for 10 minutes. 3-5 procedures will be enough.

Soap mask


  • 1 bar of soap
  • 1 teaspoon of salt

How to use

Grind the soap, add some water to make it foamy. Add salt, mix, and apply for 30 minutes. Repeat 3 times a week during the month.

Natural way to cure pimples: lotions

The most effective way to get flawless skin overnight is to cleanse it every evening before you go to bed. Using lotions for curing skin problems is one of the main flawless skin secrets. For this, you can use camomile or aloe infusion (1 teaspoon for 1 cup of water).

How to get rid of pimple marks

Even if you find out how to cure pimples in one day, it is only a half of work. Sometimes they leave marks, still visible and still needed to be cured. Thus, you will be left with another question: how to remove pimples and pimple marks in 2 days?

flawless skin

Here are some of the most effective things:

  • Sandalwood paste: soak sandalwood powder in water, rose water, or milk overnight. Apply for problem zones. Wash in 10-15 minutes.
  • Lemon juice: just rub into problem skin zones, but be careful: it is not good for sensitive skin.
  • Parsley brew: drown finely chopped parsley in a cup of water and leave for 30 minutes, then pour into forms and freeze. Rub your face daily during 2-3 months.
  • Cucumber juice: using it as a lotion helps to moisten the skin and make it mate.

If you prefer medical treatment, choose combined preparations, which helps to cure pimples, to get rid of blackheads, and to deal with marks. Remember that to remove pimples from face in one day is not always possible, so be patient and do not hesitate to try different options.

How to get flawless skin naturally: daily care

flawless skin

The first thing to know for people looking for how to get clear skin is to take care of it every day. If you follow the following advice, you will not be bothered by how to clear pimples. Here are some of the main tips.

  • Do not drink much alcohol.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Spend at least three hours outdoors.
  • Reduce the amount of fat and spicy food.
  • Add fish to your daily diet.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours.
  • Do not forget about fasting day.
  • Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.
  • Use cream that does not block skin pores.
  • Wash your face with cool water.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Eat a lot of fruits.
  • Use nutrient masks.

How to have flawless skin: conclusion

For consolidation, you need to remember just several basic rules, which are the guarantee of beautiful and flawless skin.

  1. Cleanse your skin daily
  2. Take care of your health regularly, visit a doctor if needed
  3. Healthy diet is a must thing
  4. Try natural ways for skin treatment
  5. Do not forget about masks and lotions
  6. Make sure you drink enough water
  7. Remember to take care about pimple marks
  8. Have a good sleep
  9. Try to avoid stress
  10. Take care of your skin every day