Future Rush: Amazing Tech Novelties

Yesterday is forgotten, today is deciduous , and tomorrow is at hand!

The world around us is changing, and the latest technologies do not only make us happy and our lives easier, but also become something we are used to and take for granted.


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ProPilot chairs by Nissan

ProPilot chairs by Nissan 1

These moving chairs have been designed for those who do not like to stand in lines. Now these people can sit in lines comfortably!

ProPilot chairs by Nissan 2

People sit snugly in their own moving chairs that occupy the vacant place as soon as it appears. The chair that has reached the end of the line moves to the top of the line. An integrated technology (the same as used in autonomous Nissan vehicles) allows the chair-device to recognize empty space in front of it.

【TECH for LIFE】ProPILOT CHAIR | inspired by NISSAN ProPILOT #技術の日産

もしも行列用のチェアに、 日産自動車のProPILOT、同一車線自動運転技術が付いていたら…? 「ProPILOT CHAIR」はそんな発想から開発されました。 渋滞でも前方車を認識し、自動でストップ&ゴーする ProPILOT同様、 この行列用チェアも座っているだけで、 自動で気付けば先頭に。 渋滞ストレスを軽減する技術で、行列ストレスも軽減。 「ProPILOT CHAIR」 ■着想を得た技術はこちら http://www2.nissan.co.jp/SERENA/?rsti… ■気になる仕組みについてはこちら http://www.nissan.co.jp/BRAND/TFL/PPC/ ■特設ページ http://www.nissan.co.jp/BRAND/TFL/ TF ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 最新のCMやスポーツ/イベントなど、日産自動車の取り組みを動画で紹介します。 まずはチャンネル登録やフォローをお願いします。 ■日産公式YouTubeチャンネル https://goo.gl/5oCVsZ ■日産公式Facebook https://www.facebook.com/NissanJP/ ■日産公式Twitter https://twitter.com/nissanjp/ ■日産公式Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nissanjapan/ ■日産公式WEBサイト http://www.nissan.co.jp/

SpaceX simulated a manned mission to Mars

SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System 1

The company SpaceX has published a video featuring its projected Interplanetary Transport System, ITS.

SpaceX is planning to bring the spaceship to Earth orbit by a launch vehicle, which then will be returned to Earth for a new start. The ship will be refueled on the orbit and then go to Mars.

SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System 2

SpaceX is the first space company that managed to perform a first stage landing of the launch vehicle Falcon 9, after the flight onto orbit.

SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System

Uploaded by SpaceX on 2016-09-27.

What does the first electric plane with two cabins look like?

What does the first electric plane with two cabins look like 2

German aerospace engineers have successfully tested the world’s first aircraft with two cabins on a hybrid fuel.

The plane with two cabins, known as HY4, has been designed by a aerospace engineering company Pipistrel, together with Hydrogenics company (experts in the field of fuel cells), Ulm University and the German Aerospace Center DLR.

The world's first four-seater plane HY4 that uses emission-free hybrid fuel-cells to fly is pictured at the airport in Stuttgart, Germany, Thursday, Sept. 29, 2016. A 10-minute test flight Thursday at the airport in southwestern Germany involved two pilots and two dummy passengers. (Christoph Schmidt/dpa via AP)

The aircraft uses hydrogen to generate electricity in the air, can reach the speed of 165 km / h and travel a distance of up to 1500 km on its battery power.

Перший політ електричного літака HY4

Чотиримісний електричний пасажирський літак HY4, розроблений німецькими інженерами, здійснив перший політ зі Штутгарта. Як джерело енергії повітряне судно використовує водень. Більше новин – на нашому сайті http://dw.com/ukrainian, у Facebook http://fb.com/dw.ukrainian та на Twitter: http://twitter.com/dw_ukrainian

Artificial intelligence has composed two songs


The scientists at SONY CSL Research Laboratory have presented two pieces of music created by artificial intelligence, without human help. The basis of this invention is FlowMachines, the system that analyzes musical styles in the database. Using a unique combination of style transmission, optimization and methods of interaction, FlowMachines is able to create new songs in many styles.


One of the songs is called “Daddy’s Car” and performed in the style of the legendary The Beatles. 

Daddy’s Car: a song composed by Artificial Intelligence – in the style of the Beatles

Listen on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-547260463 Scientists at SONY CSL Research Lab have created the first-ever entire songs composed by Artificial Intelligence: “Daddy’s Car” and “Mister Shadow”. The researchers have developed FlowMachines, a system that learns music styles from a huge database of songs.

The second song is called “The Ballad of Mr. Shadow”.

It is written in the style of the songs of Irving Berlin, Duke Ellington, George Gershwin and Cole Porter.

Mr Shadow: a song composed by Artificial Intelligence

Scientists at SONY CSL Research Laboratory have created the first-ever entire songs composed by Artificial Intelligence: “Daddy’s Car” and “Mister Shadow”. The researchers have developed FlowMachines, a system that learns music styles from a huge database of songs. Exploiting unique combinations of style transfer, optimization and interaction techniques, FlowMachines composes novel songs in many styles.

A real transformer that can turn into a BMW

transformer that can turn into a BMW 1

Turkish company Letvision has created real full-sized transformers. The designers have built a perfectly working prototype called Letrons that is able to transform itself and move with help of a remote control in the BMW mode.

transformer that can turn into a BMW 2

The company wants to make a series of such large toys; they will all be based on the BMW cars.


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