Do you remeber one of Murphy’s laws: “You will find an easy way to do it, after you’ve finished doing it.” So, ladies and gentlemen, learn from the mistakes of others! We have collected all the statements of the “victims” of renovation that will help you avoid the “unforgettable” missteps.
1. Do not combine the toilet and bathroom, especially if there are many dwellers in your flat! Especially if you have another toilet – every morning will start from queues!
2. Linoleum – not the best flooring for the kitchen.
3. Do not trust renovation to those, who have no taste. Do it under the guidance of the designer. Or you will get a copy of somebody’s appartments, because they have “everything so beautifully.”
4. Painted walls in the home are not practical. Especially in the field of circuit breakers – the endless prints and cleaning of them.
5. Provide cooker hood in the kitchen and include it to interior.
6. Never overfill the space under the bath “for ages”.
7. Never separate the cooker, cutting zone and kitchen sink.
- 8. Never use carpeting – you will be tired to clean it.
9. Do not allow to hang the upper kitchen cabinets above the eye level!
10. Do not allow to put in the kitchen laminate or floorboard. The first leakage make you cry.
More advices on next page!
11. Do not use white or very light tiles in the bathroom – stains are provided. And many hours with brust to get rid of them.
12. Try to not put kitchen furniture along the walls in a rectangular kitchen – it is much more convenient to place it around the corner.
13. Never save money on plumbing and tile – then it will look bad for several years and you will going to redo it again.
14. Design electrical wiring in the apartment only after making a final planof furniture arrangement, which will not change !
15. Power outlets trouble. There is need to have much more than it seems, especially in the kitchen. It is better to do more than to live with adapters.
16. Do not forget to set the water-protected power outlet in the bathroom for hair dryer, electric manicure sets, razors and washer.
17. If the wiring is old – replace. By the way, it would be good to write (or take a picture with measurements), its location – later you will easily find it like a sniper!
18. Do not install the power outlet “in the floor”. Very uncomfortable, always open, accumulates dust and it is impossible to wash the floor properly.
19. Dark floor tile or light floor in the bathroom. Any dirt, every speck of dust and drip are visible, especially from the washer. Clean up several times a day become your routine.
20. Do not puit too rough tile on the bathroom floor. Poor laundered.
21. A lot of open shelves with a bunch of gifts. It is unreal the dust collector!
22. Do not buy flat chandeliers horizontal open lampshade – there is so much accumulated midges, cleaning is torture.
23. Provide entrance for all possible cables (TV, Internet, phone, etc.) into the apartment.
24. Put all switches at a height of 80-90 cm that will allow children turn on the light, without jumping.
25. Light and power outlet on the balcony – just in case. It may come in handy.
26. Use the several light switches – at the entrance to the bedroom and near the bed, in the bedroom, not to get out of bed, wishing to turn it off; near entrance and in the end of corridor – you will have not to walk there again to off the light.
27. Choose windows with a micro-ventilation.
28. Select counter place in advance.
29. Doors with glass pane will interfere with sleeping, if in the next room lights are turned on.
30. If you are not going to do built-in wardrobes and chests of drawers, it is necessary to level the wall!
31. Do not put too slippery floor tiles!
32. When installing the bathtub put kerbs on the wall, where it is joined with the tiles.
33. Stretch ceilings are super! Make them at once in the entire apartment.
34. The toilet, bathtub (and everywhere, where there is a lot of moisture) require a suspended ceiling. It does not swell, does not fall off, but the most important thing – if you was filled by the neighbors, bottled water is not widely in your apartment, but in the ceiling. The ceiling is just slack and the water remains inside. Then you call the masters, they film part of the ceiling, pour out water, and set it back.
35. Storage: if there’s some place that can be sacrificed in favor of the closet, do it! Vacuum cleaners, old things, rollers, cans, buckets, household appliances, which are in twice a year – all will be stored there.
36. Make a hidden storage space in kitchen or in toilet for buckets, rags, chemicals, and other housekeeping accessories.
37. Door handles with sharp corners – occasionally somebody touches their by hand or something else, it’s painful and tears off clothes.
38. Measure the furniture (old or new) before renovation and you will not have to deal with problem of installation power outlets in the wrong place!
39. Do not save on materials – paint, glue, wallpaper – buy only good quality!
40. Buy all staff on JiJi – easy, fast and economically!
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