Easy Home Tips To Make Saggy Breasts More Perky!

https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1mlpCJFXXXXciXXXXq6xXFXXX3/Women-font-b-Body-b-font-Brace-Chest-Support-Belt-Band-Posture-Corrector-font-b-Bra.jpgCurvy shapes, elastic breasts are the pride of many women. Unfortunately, this beauty begins to fade quickly – skin loses its firmness and elasticity, and the breasts themselves become saggy and bursiform. Someone earlier, someone later faces this problem, depending on the individual characteristics and lifestyle. Let’s talk about how to maintain the shape of the breasts and return their previous beauty at home without surgery!

Cause and effect

  • Often, after the birth of the first baby and breastfeeding, the breasts drop down with catastrophic speed, resembling empty bags. The skin becomes flabby and thin, nipples become stretched. This sad spectacle sometimes is difficult to correct even with the help of expensive corrective underwear.
  • Hormonal contraceptives taking or withdrawal also can turn perky boobs into the saggy mess.
  • Another reason can be a rapid weight loss. If you are on starvation or rigorous diet and do not pay attention to exercises, say good-buy to the beautiful bust.

There is an opinion that woman should put up with this. Some ladies decide on drastic measures and undergo plastic surgery, insert silicone implants.

The lost shape of the bust is not a sentence.

There are several remedies that are not so radical and much cheaper than surgery. You have to be patient and regularly follow things like:

  • make masks and body wraps
  • perform special exercises
  • visit Spa, use collagen lifting
  • undergo mesotherapy
  • perform the manual and hardware massage

As you can see, there are a lot of effective measures in fight for returning your previous beautiful breast shape.

For more information about techniques for breast massage and physical exercises, you can ask specialists on Jiji.


Let’s talk about the various cosmetic means to help to solve the problem of sagging breasts.

http://fashionpheeva.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/skincare-fashionpheeva.JPG1_.jpgOn sale, there are special cosmetics that moisturize and strengthen the connective breast tissue. All sorts of creams, gels, and lotions from different brands and different price promise to restore the original shape. Masks are the vanguard in the struggle for breast beauty. Masks do not only help to return the former elasticity of mammary glands but also refresh the skin, leaving it smooth and silky. Before applying any cosmetics, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the breast, to remove the dirt with a neutral detergent.

Prices on all cosmetic products for breast lifting, firming and tightening on Jiji are lower, that anywhere else!

http://www.essence.com/sites/default/files/images/2015/05/18/black-woman-shower_520x520_12.jpgContrast shower also helps very well. You need to do this procedure once a week. Direct the water jet on the problem area and massage it in a circular motion for 20-25 minutes, periodically switching temperature regimes. This procedure perfectly stimulates the connective tissue that is responsible for the shape of the bust. Use warm and cold water, but not too hot and too cold.

Except for manufactured products, you can apply homemade remedies. Ingredients you can find both in your kitchen and on Jiji! For example, a tea poultice. Also, essential oils are your best friends! Mix in equal proportions of natural oil of geranium, ylang-ylang, and almond, add the equal amount of coconut oil and rub into the décolleté. You can use jojoba oil or sea buckthorn with an addition of vitamin A and E solution. Such blends perfectly nourish the skin, restore its turgor and relief.

Maintain your beauty with Jiji!