How To Test If Honey Is Real: 7 Proven Ways

At the end of the summer, the markets get flooded with beautiful golden jars of honey of various flavors and colors. If you love this delicacy, know about its useful properties and you want to buy real high-quality product, you will definitely want to find out how to know original honey!

Now we will show you 7 proven practical tips on how to know good quality honey!

how to identify original honey

Buy original high-quality honey on Jiji – find the best prices in Nigeria in the ads of real sellers!

1. How to identify original honey #1: malleability test

Natural honey should be viscous, not watery:

• Heat the honey to about 20 degrees, stirring it with a spoon.

• Then remove the spoon and begin to rotate it – if the honey is of a normal consistency, you will be able to roll it up on the spoon, and it wouldn’t drain.

• Then look at how the honey will flow back into the tank -it should slowly go down in a form of a hill, forming bubbles on the surface.

how to test original honey

2. How to test original honey #2: test with the paper

Put some honey on a piece of paper (newspaper or toilet paper) – the paper should remain dry.

If honey has spread and formed a wet footprint, it meansерфе there is water in it.

how to know good honey

3. How to know good honey #3: test with the bread slice

Dip a piece of bread in honey for 10 minutes, then remove it.If the honey is natural and high-quality, the bread should harden, and if the honey is fake (diluted with water), the bread will soften.

how to know real honey

4. How to know real honey #4: iodine test

In order to detect impurities in honey, you need to dilute some honey with water and add a drop of iodine there. If the liquid turns blue, then there is starch or flour in the honey.

If you are wondering, where to get original honey in Nigeria,search no more – find original high-quality honey on Jiji at the lowest prices!

how to detect original honey

5. How to detect original honey #5: acetic essence test

To do this, you also need to dilute some honey with the warm water. Then you add some acetic essence: if the solution hisses, then it contains chalk.

6. How to identify original honey #6: test with the steel wire

Take a piece of stainless steel wire, heat it on the fire and immerse it in honey:

• If a sticky mass adheres to the wire, it is fake.

• If the honey is natural, the wire will remain clean.

You can even test your honey by setting it on fire – you never know what it was made of! Good honey simply will not burn. A fake one may change color (to brown, for example), melt, begin to emit a caramel or chemical smell.

how to know original hone

7. How to test original honey #7: sediment test

Stir a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm tea and leave for an hour. If there is a sediment after this at the bottom of the glass or on the surface, the quality of honey is low.

how to identify original honey

Real v. Fake Honey – How can you tell the difference?

Natural, organic honey from your local beekeeper is incredibly healthy for you. But is that what you’re buying at the grocery store? Many “honey” producers add artificial sweeteners or corn syrup to make their profit margin a little bit bigger at your expense. Know the difference!

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I love to always be in the epicenter of the events, and then tell the world about it in the most diverse forms.I believe that many rules are created in order to break them in an attempt to create something new.Many of us sometimes need to stop for a moment, perhaps lose something in order to rethink our existence and understand in which direction we need to move.In addition to blogging, I am fond of music composing, traveling, self-studying and meditation. I sincerely believe that if you go your own way and listen to your inner voice, you will definitely come where you were going!