A beautiful smile is your chance to be successful. According to psychological investigations, interviewed people believe that people who often smile are more confident, resolute, attractive and honest. Nevertheless, a smile also can spoil the people’s impression around you if your teeth are gray and with a cavities . It is very important to care about your teeth and keep them white http://jiji.ng/.
Nowadays, many bleaching methods exists for dentists to whiten your teeth. But, this service costs a lot of money, moreover you can cause irrepable tooth enamel.
If you think that after tooth whitening your teeth will be shining immediately – you are wrong. At best, you will get the desired color after two weeks.
- Plan ahead to do tooth whitening before the tooth treatment. Fillings and crowns for teeth can not be bleached.
To the best of our knowledge, after a procedure of tooth whitening by special whitening systems with fluorine and calcium, tooth sensitivity is reduced and enamel becomes thicker. Some people talk about tooth destruction and even their loss.
- Tooth whitening not for all people, therefore do not believe the advertisement about simplicity of this procedure.
The duration of the perfect tooth shining is individual just as people’s teeth are different from each others by thickness, structure and the condition of the gums.
- In conclusion, be careful and try to avoid such deplorable situation when instead of wonderful smile you could end up without teeth.
CARAMEL AND TOFFEE. These sweets provoke bacterial growth due to a significant amount of sugar. As a result, your teeth are damaged by cavities.
- BEETROOTS have a concentration of chromogens, which are absorbed in tooth enamel. Therefore, after eating beetroots, brush your teeth immediately.
- BERRIES have a significant amount of acid and molecules that have a pigment. Nevertheless, it is not reasonable to stop eat berries such as they have a lot of vitamin C. Therefore, just rinse your month after eating berries.
SAUCES. Mostly, we mean SOY SOUCE, TOMATO JUICE and BALSAMIC VINEGAR. These products make spots on the teeth because of a significant amount of acid.
- CURRY. This condiment makes not only your fingers yellow, but also your teeth. Try to always brush your teeth after this condiment!
COFFEE makes your teeth yellow and gray. If you are a lover of coffee, combine it with milk. Milk contains calcium that has a beneficial effect on the bones and makes the teeth strong.
RED WINE. On the one side, red wine contains polyphenols that destroys tooth enamel and makes the teeth sensitive to cold and hot food. From another side, red wine has anti-inflammatory and helps to treat the gums.
BLACK TEA. Black tea contains tannins and when they combine with hot water, we can see a pigmentation. If you want to avoid coloring, you have to drink green, white and herbal teas in more quantity.
SPARKLING WATER. Phosphoric acid penetrates deep into tooth enamel and destroys it. In particular, you have to refrain from colored sparkling drinks and juices.
ENERGETIC DRINKS. Stay away from this kind of drinks as they have much a significant amount of acid that destroys tooth enamel and all harmful substances get into the bone.
BAKING SODA. Before brushing the teeth, combine baking soda with toothpaste. Do not use baking soda for whitening too often because it causes bleeding gums. Dentists in whitening procedure also use baking soda as a whitening substance.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. First variant. Soak a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and rub the teeth. Afterwards, clean your teeth with toothpaste. Second variant is rinsing. Add 25 drops of 3 % hydrogen peroxide into the glass, which is filled up 1/3 water and mix this. Afterwards, rinsing your mouth for a minute afterwards rinse it with clean water. Repeat this procedure daily, and you will get the desired result after a month.
RINSING MOUTH WITH LEMON JUICE. This procedure is an absolutely safe way to make your teeth white and make your breath fresh. Lemon contains a huge amount of vitamin C that destroys dental plague.
Mix the lemon juice with warm water in equal quantities and start to rinse the teeth for a minute. Likewise, instead of rinsing, you can use the lemon pulp or peel for rubbing your teeth. Make this procedure once a day preferably overnight and do not forget to rinse the mouth with clean water.
This method of whitening not suitable for people with highly sensitive teeth and stomach problems.
TEA TREE OIL. Tea tree oil has an antiseptic effect. In addition, it makes the teeth white and treats the gums.
Add 2 drops of tea tree oil into the toothpaste and brush your teeth. Use this oil once a day before bedtime.
Nevertheless, exists two minuses, they are: numbness of the tongue and intolerance of the oil smell. Do not worry, the numbness will disappear after 2 minutes. Likewise, you can get rid of smell just by rinsing your mouth with salt water.
- A teaspoon of baking soda
- A drop of essential oil of peppermint or clove
- 2-3 drops of hot water
Mix all ingredients in some plate to form a paste. Use it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Prepared toothpaste will make your teeth white and healthy.
The peppermint and clove oil help to avoid dental pain, strengthens tooth enamel and also it is a powerful antiseptic.
50 g of white clay
- 3 tablespoons of white salt or better use sea salt due to bigger amount of vitamins.
- a teaspoon of baking soda
- 2 drops of peppermint essential
- 2 drops of tea tree oil
Preliminary grind salt in a coffee grinder to form dust. Afterwards, mix all ingredients, put this solution into a container, and cover it. Brush your teeth twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
White clay will help you in whitening process even if the teeth are too dark and also will prevent the cavities. Salt and baking soda will destroy the dental plague. Peppermint essentials and tea tree oil will make your breath fresh and will save the gums http://lagos.jiji.ng/.
You should not whiten the teeth if you have:
- Cracked enamel
- Periodontitis
- Wedge-shaped defect
- Hypertension
- Children under 16 years
- Pregnancy and feeding.
Smile more! Good luck!