7 Best Tips To Get Your Kid Speak

It is extremely important to teach your toddler talking from the very young age. The sooner your kid starts saying the words aloud, the faster his brain cells will develop, and the smarter he/she will become. So what are the advices that you should follow in order to help your kid start talking?

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#1 – Read to your baby every day

1Reading or just turning over the leaves of the books is the very first step in instilling the love to absorbing new information. On the subconscious level your kid understands that in order to be able understand what are those mysterious creatures (the letters) below the pictures he/she should learn to do something. In this case, it is speaking. So take a book and read to your kid every day. Show the pictures and call them names. Tell your own stories before getting your child to bed. Make your kid hear as much talking as it is possible.

#2 – Use one- to three-word sentences

2Children learn to speak by listening to everything you are saying, by watching your body language and by seeing how you interact with others. So, please, talk normally when not talking directly to them. However, if you are speaking directly to a toddler, use one to three word sentences. In the beginning, it will be hard for your child to understand and remember long sentences. That’s why you should use short phrases when attempting to teach your kid speak. Look into their eyes when speaking directly to them. They are learning to speak by lip-reading too. Remember to get down to floor level, smile, and nod while talking to toddlers.

#3 – Slow down

3It is a common mistake of all parents and all people in general – we all are rushing somewhere having no patience. But every young parent should admit that for their small children the world is opening up every day, and they need a lot of time to catch and understand new incoming information. That’s why it is very important to slow down when talking to your child so they can listen and understand.

#4 – Don’t correct

4When children are trying out language, they are inclined to get colors, animals, and other things “wrong”, and adults are inclined to correct these mistakes. Just don’t do that. It’s unnecessary and demotivating.  The toddlers will differentiate things successfully without any other side help. The time will come when they will understand the difference between the cat and dog, orange and green, big and small.

#5 – Connect words to actions

5One of the best ways to teach your kid speak is connecting the words to actions. For example, if you see your baby touch his stomach, take the opportunity to teach him by saying something like “stomach.” If the child hears his mommy speaking, you can say “Mommy’s home.” If he becomes excited when the cat comes into the room, you can say “here’s your pussy cat.” The point of all this so-called game is to teach the names by describing the actions.

#6 – Limit their access to desirable things

6Limit your child’s access to things like the TV, toys, food, or going outside. Set them up so they have to make a request or ask for help to access these things. Teach your child saying aloud their requests, help them in formulating phrases and repeat them together.

#7 – Consider assistive electronic devices

7Assistive electronic devices can do much more to help your child speak than just playing the music and showing pictures. They can foster its development. Examples include devices and special apps with pictures that your child touches to produce words. This is just one of the examples, but the developers have gone much further so you can find an endless amount of similar apps on the Internet.

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