Natural handmade soap has some subtle magic reminiscent of its delicate fragrance. The very process of making homemade soap is magic, and the result is even more magical!

Below you will find a guide for the preparation of soap: the list of ingredients, tools and several original soap making recipes!

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Basic soap making ingredients:

  • Base oils;
  • Additives to base oils;
  • Acids and lyes;
  • Fragrances – natural ingredients with a pleasant aroma;
  • Pearl, glitter, sequins, beads, dried flowers, and water-soluble pictures for decorating;
  • Pigments and dyes.



  • Scales to weigh the volume of ingredients and the weight of the ready batch (you could use mechanical kitchen scales or simple electronic scales);
  • Special dishes to melt the soap base in a double boiling mode, because how to make homemade soap without it?;
  • Special spoon to be used with mixtures;
  • Box for ingredients;
  • Silicone brushes;
  • Special paper to check the density of oils;
  • String knife and miter box to cut your homemade soap;
  • Potato peeler for making soap with rolls (colored soap);
  • Grater.


Recipes of unique soap:

“Coffee beans”

  1. Melt the soap base (Luxury Rebatch Base, USA, 150 gr) in a double boiling mode to a state resembling mashed potatoes.
  2. Add the anti-cellulite complex (“Coffee” – 1/2 tsp), pigment (brown gel food pigment – 2-3 drops) and ground coffee (1 tsp). Mix thoroughly.
  3. Add flavoring (“Cappuccino” – 6-8 drops).
  4. Put several coffee beans in the bottom of the mold.
  5. Put the base soap into the mold. Cover with cling film and flatten the surface.
  6. Decorate the soap with coffee beans on top.
  7. Leave the product to solidify at room temperature.
  8. Once hardens, remove from the mold.

Coffee beans

“Tea with milk”

This is one of the cutest cold process soap recipes:

  1. Milk (380g) needs to be pre-frozen. Add lye (138 g) to the milk little by little gently stirring.
  2. Since the milk was frozen, the solution will be only 35 degrees warm, which must be considered when preparing the oils. Oils (corn – 100 g (10%), olive oil – 500 g (50%), palm – 400 g (40%) need to be heated in advance so they could have time to cool down to 35 degrees.
  3. Then pour the lye into the oil, stirring until the trace appears.
  4. Then add some superfat (olive oil 8% (80 g), essential oils (peppermint, clove, orange, anise – 40 ml). Add green tea powder (4 tablespoons) to one part of the soap, stir well, arrange in layers and decorate it to your liking.

Tea with milk

“Goats Milk” soap (Lavender & Cocoa Butter soap recipe)

How to make Goats Milk soap with recipe (Cocoa Butter & Lavender Soap)

Free recipe and directions on how to make soap for the first time from scratch. We are making Lavender and Cocoa Butter soap using essential depot products. Hot process method

Check out these homemade soap pics that will surely impress and inspire you!



Rose Soap 3


Cocoa butter 2

Cocoa butter

Coffee beans 2





Also, check out this DIY soap making tips&tricks – they will also come in handy!

Hot Process Soap Making: TIPS & TRICKS | SARAH’S SOAPS

SARAH’S SOAPS Handmade with ❤ Some TIPS & TRICKS for Hot Process Soap Making. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: ❤_______________________________________________________❤ Music from: DISCLAIMER: These are my own Tips & Tricks I use when making Hot Process Soap

Take your time learning how to make amazing DIY soap. Meanwhile, remember you can always buy unique, natural and quality soap at lowest prices on Jiji!

how to make liquid soap at home