How To Keep The Romance Alive In A Relationship

When couples start relationships, they believe that romance will never disappear. Both men and women promise to love and value each other, but everyday life can interfere with their expectations, and not in a good way. It leads to misunderstanding, fights, and even divorces.

But why does it happen? And how to keep the romance alive in a relationship that lasts for a long time. People curious about how to have a romantic married life should start by finding the reasons why things have changed.

Why is it hard to keep the romance alive?


At the beginning of relationships, we don’t notice any vices in our loved ones. On the contrary, people tend to idealize their spouses, trying to notice virtues they don’t have. With time, people start to see the truth and change the other person. That’s where conflicts begin.


You start planning time together, dreaming about places you’ll go and things they do. In real life, things happen differently. You are spending all day at the office and see each other only in the evenings. You are too tired for adventures and fail to keep promises. Gradually, you start to hold the grudge and fell off.


You don’t value little things and time spent together; you take it for granted. The relationship doesn’t end after a wedding, it is a new start. You still need to support each other, to make surprises, spend time together instead of becoming another boring couple.

How to be romantic in a relationship?

Take care of your appearance

Some people think they don’t need to do this after they find a partner. But doesn’t that mean you pretended to be someone else during all this time? Find some time for the gym, for self-care, and cozy clothes that don’t look ugly.

Talk with each other

It doesn’t matter what issues you discuss, just do it. Show you’re interested in what is going on with your partner. Ask about what is going on at work, what new things they’ve seen and heard, ask for a piece of advice.

Go on dates sometimes

How to romance with husband after marriage if none of you makes romantic gestures anymore? If you don’t feel like going to a restaurant, cook something tasty at home, open a bottle of wine, and light the candles. Create a romantic playlist and enjoy your time.

Make each other presents

Don’t wait for a special occasion to do it. It doesn’t have to be a big gift – just a box of favorite sweets, a bottle of wine, a ticket to a show, a book, a plant, something to decorate your room. Find the ways to surprise your loved one.

Don’t be bothersome

If you always act jealous, make your partner nervous, demand too much, etc., you build the background for indifference and breakup. Don’t try to cause a fight because of every little thing you find suspicious. People get tired of such attitude and have no desire to endure it.

Don’t forget about the sexual relationship

Sex is as important part of the relationship as communication and support are. If you feel that something is wrong, discuss it and think about how to improve your sexual life. If you try to pretend everything is okay, you risk to fell off or even find out that your partner is cheating.

Admire each other

Don’t forget why you started dating in the first place. Don’t forget about the romance you had at the beginning of your relationship and what made it special back then. Pay attention to the things you like about your partner every day. Don’t act like you’ve got used and don’t notice them anymore.