How To Make Poundo Yam

On the first glance, poundo yam seems like a very straightforward dish, but in reality there are many things that can go wrong with making poundo yam if you don’t have the right pounded yam recipe. Find out how to make poundo yam flawlessly right now!

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1. Poundo yam vs. pounded yam

Poundo yam is a popular Nigerian dish often served as a garnish. It is made from yam flour and is rather easy to make, especially if you have good yam flour. Therefore poundo yam is very different to pounded yam, which is made by pounding cooked fresh yam.

More and more Nigerian families prefer poundo yam to pounded yam for two reasons. First, yam flour is often the more affordable alternative. Second, pounding boiled yam is a loud and tiring process that is simply not for everyone.

2. Ingredients for poundo yam

There are numerous Nigerian yam recipes, but if you want the most authentic version of the dish possible, stick with the classic way to make it. To recreate this poundo yam recipe, you will need:

  • Yam flour – 1 cup
  • Water – 2 1/2 – 3 cups

The quality of your yam flour has a huge effect on the success of your dish. The pounded yam flour ingredients should only include yam, potato, and rice flour, as well as yam and potato starch. The purest yam flour may not be the cheapest option, but it will positively influence the flavour and texture of your dish.

3. How to make poundo yam

Homemade poundo yam production isn’t a complicated process, but it does require a certain level of technique to make your dish lump-free. Here is how to make poundo yam without lumps.

  1. In a small bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of yam flour with 1/4 cup of water until the mixture is uniform and smooth.
  2. Pour 2 cups of water into a pot, add your yam flour mixture, stir well and bring to a boil.
  3. Slowly add the remaining yam flour into the boiling water, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat and add more water if the mixture starts thickening too fast.
  4. Continue stirring and poking holes with a wooden spoon to let the water evaporate more effectively. Cook until the mixture turns into a lump that feels stretchy and not too hard or too soft.
  5. Take poundo yam off the heat and out of the pot. Serve!

4. Other ways to make pounded yam

If you still want to try one of the most popular healthy yam recipes that is pounded yam made from boiled yam, you’ll be relieved to know that nowadays you don’t need to put too much work into making it. Here is how you can make pounded yam with little effort:

  1. If you have a hand mixer, you can use it to prepare the fluffiest pounded yam you’ve ever tasted! Simply boil the yam until it’s soft, put it into a large bowl, lightly crush it with any kitchen tool and then whisk it with a blender until the pounded yam has the ideal texture.
  2. A blender or food processor is another popular way to make pounded yam. Boil the yam until it’s tender, cut it into chunks, and put into the blender bowl. Blitz until the yam is uniform and stretchy. With this method your pounded yam will be chewy and not as fluffy as it is made with a hand mixer.

Let these pounded yam recipes become the new classic of your family – serve them with your favourite soups, stews, or sauces!

Enjoy cooking with the ingredients and tools you find on the Jiji app

My name is Inna. I am a content writer with an English and literature background. As a mother of a 4-year old son, I love learning about children’s health and development, as well as finding new interesting toys and activities for my little one. I am also in love with all things tech and always keep my finger on the pulse of new smartphone and gadget releases. Another big passion of mine is beauty and makeup – every day I read about new trends in skin care and makeup and always look forward to trying them. Plus, I love pop culture, travelling, crafts, and anything that can make our daily life more thrilling!