How To Transfer Airtime From Any Network To Another Network e.g MTN To Airtel

The ability to transfer airtime from one phone to another can be a real life saver, but most of us are only doing it within one network. However, there are some ways to transfer money between different networks, and here is how you can do it.

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1. From Airtel

If you want to transfer airtime from Airtel to any other mobile network in Nigeria, first you will need to think of a transfer PIN code. It’s a unique combination of four digits that you will be required to provide for transactions involving your Airtime funds. Once you have decided on a PIN code, here are the steps you will need to take to transfer airtime:

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  1. Send a text containing the old PIN and the new PIN to 432. The text should look like this: “PIN 1234 8439”, where 1234 if the default Airtel PIN number and 8439 is the new PIN number you’ve chosen.
  2. Now you are able to transfer airtime to any other mobile service provider’s number in Nigeria. The procedure is the same for all providers.
  3. Send a text to the same number, 432, containing the information about the recipient’s number, amount of transfer, and your PIN. The text should look like this: “2U 080537230457 500 8439, where 2U is the default code, 080537230457 is the recipient’s mobile phone number, 500 is the transfer amount in naira, and 8439 is your personal PIN.
  4. This method works for Airtel as well as other mobile networks.

2. From Glo

Glo is another Nigerian mobile service provider that allows you to easily transfer funds to other networks, but only after you create your personal transfer number. To do it with Glo, you will need to send dial *132*00000*12345*12345# on your phone, where 00000 is your default PIN number and 12345 is your new PIN repeated twice.

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To transfer the funds to another network number, you will need to dial the following combination on your phone: *131*080584629563*500*12345#, where 080584629563 is the recipient’s mobile phone number, 500 is the amount of the transfer in naira, and 12345 is the transfer PIN you set earlier. You will then get an SMS confirming the success of the transfer.

3. From MTN

Like any other major mobile service provider in Nigeria, you will need to choose a new transfer PIN number. To do it, send a text to 777 containing the default PIN number and your new PIN repeated twice. Your text will look like this: “0000 8493 8493”. You can also dial *600*0000*8493*8493# from your phone, where 0000 and 8493 are your old and new PIN numbers respectively.

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Once that is done, you can transfer the funds from your MTN number to any other mobile provider in Nigeria. To do it, dial *600*08052895639*500*8493# from your phone, where 08052895639 is the recipient’s phone number, 500 is the transfer amount in naira, and 8493 is the PIN code you set in the previous step.

4. From 9mobile

To access the transfer feature on 9mobile, first, you will need to choose a new PIN number instead of the default 0000 PIN. To do it, you need to dial *247*0000*7364# on your phone, where 0000 is the old PIN number and 7364 is the new PIN you have chosen.

Then you can move on directly to transfering the airtime to another mobile phone number. There are several ways to do it, but the easiest one is to dial *223*7364*500*080572645832# on your phone, where 7364 is your new PIN number, 500 is the amount of transfer in naira, and 080572645832 is the recipient’s phone number.

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My name is Inna. I am a content writer with an English and literature background. As a mother of a 4-year old son, I love learning about children’s health and development, as well as finding new interesting toys and activities for my little one. I am also in love with all things tech and always keep my finger on the pulse of new smartphone and gadget releases. Another big passion of mine is beauty and makeup – every day I read about new trends in skin care and makeup and always look forward to trying them. Plus, I love pop culture, travelling, crafts, and anything that can make our daily life more thrilling!