A brother is a very special person in anyone’s life, and when your brother is celebrating his birthday, you want your message to tell how you really feel. Looking for the ideal birthday message for brother? Here are the best birthday wishes for brother for any situation!
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1. Short birthday wishes to a brother
If you plan to congratulate your brother over a text message or other modern medium, your “happy birthday brother” wish needs to be brief but memorable. Here are a few short birthday quotes for brother:
- I feel so lucky to have you as my brother and my closest person. Wishing you lots of love on this special day!
- You inspire me every day to follow into your footsteps. Happy birthday to my brother!
- I hope this year will bring you lots of happiness and love – you surely deserve it!
- On this special day I need to confess that I couldn’t wish for another brother and I am super happy you are a part of my life.
- Every day I thank my parents that you are the person I got to grew up with. Happy birthday!

2. Funny birthday wishes for brother
Brothers often have a special relationship where they love to gently poke fun at each other. Here are some funny birthday wishes for younger brother or older brother in your life.
- East and west – my brother is best! Happy birthday, brother!
- You’re getting really old now – 30 years is no joke! Hopefully, we will still be able to goof around together once you reach this milestone.
- Your birthday is my favourite day of the year for one reason: there are lots and lots of cake!
- You deserve only the best things in life, and that is exactly why you are so lucky to have me as your brother!
- On this special day, I want to say lots of happy birthday wishes for brother – the second favourite child of our parents.

3. Sweet birthday wishes for a brother
Sometimes you’re not in a mood for a funny wish to congratulate your brother with his birthday – for example, when you’re looking for birthday wishes for elder brother. In that case you will find these birthday wishes for brother in law or your whole brother particularly useful.
- I am very happy that I got to grow up with you and watch you evolve as a person. I couldn’t wish for a better brother and I want you to have the happiest birthday!
- Over the years I got used to thinking about you as my guardian angel, and I hope it never changes! Happy birthday, my dearest brother, I love you!
- From the second I met you, I have always considered you to be my personal hero. You made me the person I am today and for that I am forever grateful.
- Every year, your birthday is another chance for me to remember all the awesome moments we had together. Let’s hope we have many more of those moments in the future!
- All of my happy childhood memories include you and I hope we will continue to have amazing adventures and memorable moments together. Happy birthday!

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