5 Ordinary Foods With Unordinary Properties

What would you say if they told you that you can flour rice and make a great skincare remedy out of it that would have a whitening effect and would be no worse than most of cosmetics on the shelf in your bathroom? And what about the honey mask as an effective treatment for varicose veins?


We know nothing about most of the foods we eat every day. Choose foods on JiJi among the great assortment and take the most out of them!


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Do you love risotto?

The facts that rice helps to lose weight, to treat gastric and intestinal diseases, and nephrolithiasis, and to reduce cholesterol are known to everybody. But did you know that rice is also very effective for external usage?

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Rice masks: cosmetic properties

Rice is a treasure trove of antioxidants that are crucial for skin tone – and masks made of rice help to cleanse and restore the skin.

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Rice also contains a lot of fat that stimulate the production of collagen in skin. Therefore, the main purposes of masks made of rice are nutrition of the skin, removing wrinkles and prevention of skin aging. In this regard, it works quite effectively as a complement to anti-aging cosmetics products.

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Moreover, rice masks successfully replace scrubs for delicate skin – they effectively but gently exfoliate dead skin cells.

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Rice flour that you can easily do yourself is a great alternative to baby powders. This is a good anti-inflammatory and astringent remedy, and it reduces itching.

Finally, since ancient times in China they used masks from rice flour to whiten skin.

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The best way is to use rice flour for these masks, but you can also simply grind rice in a coffee grinder.

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Besides well-known properties of honey, it is an excellent natural preservative: if you prepare snacks of fruits and vegetables with honey, they will stay fresh much longer!

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The external use of honey.

Honey is an excellent antimicrobial remedy that`s why it is commonly used for skin diseases treatment. Honey also enhances blood flow and lymph outflow that mechanically wash out the wound, and create better conditions for supply of cells in the wound area.

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jar of honey with honeycomb

Honey is also used as an effective external remedy for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis treatment.

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It is popular to use honey in cosmetics, despite a wide range of manufactured products. Honey enters deep into the pores, nourishes the skin and prevents the loss of moisture, giving freshness -that is an excellent remedy against skin aging. For example, if you use honey together with other ingredients in facial masks, it has a good cleansing effect, because it absorbs any impurities.

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Soya beans can bring huge benefits to people suffering from a variety of diseases. Foods based on soya beans are recommended for treatment of gastritis, ulcers, diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis. They contain substances that stimulate growth of Bifidobacteria in intestines.

Soy lecithin, contained in this product, plays a great role in body. This substance is involved in renovating neural tissue and brain cells.

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Soybean oil

This unique soybean oil contains huge amount of vitamins, which are necessary for strengthening immunity, good metabolism and enjoyable sex life.

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If you regularly use this oil, the vessels will not be able to accumulate cholesterol that causes irreversible consequences.

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Soybean oil combined with other oils is often included in cosmetic skin care products. It is suitable for dry and normal skin – it nourishes and moisturizes skin, helps retain moisture and creates a protective barrier on its surface: after mask with soy oil rough, dry and weather skin becomes fresh, regains healthy color and smoothness.

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mustache depilation
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Among the long-livers, who are more than 90 years old, there are a lot of those who regularly consume tea (especially green) – a beverage of longevity that is included in all healthy food systems:

  • tea is an excellent bio stimulant, vitamin and energy drink;
  • moderate consumption of green tea has a positive effect on the immune system, prevents chronic diseases;
  • tea (especially green) has a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antimycotic effect, especially at the early stages of disease;
  • green tea takes the salts of heavy metals and other toxins out of the body.

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Tea in cosmetics

Green tea extract is widely used in cosmetology: almost as well as special facial masks and creams, it helps to keep your skin young and healthy, improves complexion, and being a powerful antioxidant, generally slows down the aging processes, including aesthetic.

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Green tea is great to rinse oily hair. Green tea masks provide even tone and are great for dry skin.


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 Grain (natural) coffee, it contains potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium and 30 organic acids essential for our body.

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Espresso on Coffe Beans

This drink contains large amount of antioxidants that provide normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, coffee:

  • reduces the risk of diabetes;
  • prevents the development of tumors in rectum, colon, pancreas and liver;
  • reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease;
  • improves brain activity.

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But that`s not all!

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During last years, there appeared green coffee for weight loss. But coffee for weight loss is not just a coffee! In addition to the coffee beans it has specific components that improve metabolism and the work of digestive tract.

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Now you know more secrets about these foods. Time to act!

I love to always be in the epicenter of the events, and then tell the world about it in the most diverse forms.I believe that many rules are created in order to break them in an attempt to create something new.Many of us sometimes need to stop for a moment, perhaps lose something in order to rethink our existence and understand in which direction we need to move.In addition to blogging, I am fond of music composing, traveling, self-studying and meditation. I sincerely believe that if you go your own way and listen to your inner voice, you will definitely come where you were going!