What To Do If You Are Tired Of Everything?


Everyone can stuck is such situation when person is tired of all around: problems at work, the work itself is annoying, neighbors do not give to live in peace… How to help yourself if you had enough? How to return the old days, when all was fine? Of course, there is no one simple recipe to deal with apathy for everyone, but you should do some actions in order not to be another guest at the offices of various psychologists.

JiJi knows how to return taste of life!

Recognition of the problem – the beginning of its decision. The most important step for any work on a problem is awareness. When a problem is indicated, even if in a somewhat strange form (“I’m tired of living like this,” “I’m fed up,” etc.), you can begin to solve it. But as long as person does not realize that something is happening, he/she will be more and more deeply to withdraw into himself, using a variety of unhealthy ways to escape from reality (alcohol, promiscuity, drugs) or even that the worst thing to think about suicide.

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Sort out the cause.

http://thisisafrica.me/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/07/Black-sad-man.jpgThe next important step in solving the problem will be to determine the causes. To determine what prevents a normal life really and bothers the most. Of course, it seems that you are bothered all around, but usually it is not. Just some little things overlap, and any major problem can provoke the whole spectrum of experiences and therefore lead to loss of interest in life.

JiJi can not solve all problems, but can help you to change your life!

The main causes of fatigue and loss of interest in life can be:


Relationship problems.
Here are considered general inability to communicate, and conflicts with a particular person or group. Problems may relate to child-parent relationship, relationship with a loved one, colleague, boss, partner or friend.

https://dorothydalton.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/mobbing.jpgProblems at work.

Usually this group of problems consists of career failure, mismatch of positions and expectations, the absence of material wealth or general loss of interest in performed activities, negative attitude and mobbing.

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http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/t/wheelchair-obstruction-young-man-waiting-help-bottom-staircase-51790757.jpgHealth problems.

While most of us lose health due to unresolved intrapersonal problems, sometimes happen the reverse situation. Indeed, when a person for a long time treat serious disease, and positive results are not observed, often a thirst for life is lost.

lead_regretsThe negative self-concept.

Sometimes, the main cause of all problems acts low self-esteem. It may be supported by some objective factors, and can be simply far-fetched. Everyone sometimes experiencing failures, but not all think like “I’m nothing”, “I’m stupid,” “Nobody loves me”, “I’m ugly”, etc. With such self-concept is quite difficult to interact with others, to perform work assignments, to start new projects and to live.



What to do? Find answers on next page!http://www.2eweboys.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/djato.jpgOf course, all recipes are different and depend on the situation. And it is necessary to work on the cause of apathy. Naturally, if you are tired of work you can either take a vacation or move to another department or resign. There is another way, whicha lot of ambitious people neglect: at the end of the day to get up and go. Yes, as soon as the arrow shows the 17-00 and 20-00, to get up and go to another place: at home, to meet with friends, in the gym – anywhere. But many people remain on the job longerand  work overtime. For what? Planet does not stop when the monthly report is delivered not at night, and the next day.

Similarly one can solve the problems associated with not work, and other areas where the contradictions are revealed. But there are some universal recipe for happiness, which again can make people happy with their lives:

http://showme.co.za/files/2012/08/The-legacy-of-peaceful-sleep.jpgHealthy sleep. Allow yourself to sleep longer during the week, and you will feel not only a burst of energy and strength, but the desire for new experiences and impressions, which form a passion for life.


Lifestyle changes. Even staying at the same job with familiar people you can change your life and attitude toward it. Lie down and get up early, go for a walk through the deserted streets, or jogging in the nearby park. During lunch, make it a rule to walk even a short distance, and in the evening watch life-affirming movies.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/82/af/b2/82afb218d1b4c4c680c38ae804d740be.jpgSpontaneous acts. Call an old friend, make an appointment and go in another town for a couple of days to visit him. Want to throw out the old cabinet – throw away, want to change the hair color or beat a tattoo – go to the salon. If the soul asks, why not give it what it want? Fortunately, now the paint can be quickly washed away, and you can made temporary tattoo.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ec/Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg/687px-Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpgRelief from negative. Ways to throw burden are numerous: paper tearing, pillow fight, beat the dishes, leaving in the open field and yell. Emotions after such – non-transferable. And in your heart appear a positive and desire to create.

Creation. Draw, write, make handicrafts, build – do anything to express your potential. Creative people never are bored – they see beauty everywhere.

Undoubtedly, all of us still have to face a situation where all tired, when there is no desire to live, when life seems like a mess. But we need to be able to cope with such thoughts and conditions. Let your inner child recall how you can be happy even during the most simple and ordinary things, like soap bubbles.

Be happy with JiJi – here you can find everything to make your life easier!
