5 Habits Whose Damage Was Exaggerated

Some habits are total bad. Some – very good. But some can be neutral. Let’s find out together with JiJi, what “bad” habits should be overrated!

https://cdn3.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/40-N2SsRsMTrrrf0phM_xgGZ348=/314x802:1855x1829/1280x853/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/45706882/71332589.0.jpgCracking knuckles

It’s funny, but about the habit of cracking knuckles there are as much controversy as about the usefulness or harm eggs or palm oil. It seems, at first glance, it’s bad – when one crunches with his fingers, it contributes to a sharp decrease in pressure in the interarticular fluid, because of what the loud burst of gas bubbles, which it has in its composition. The joints are slowly but surely damaged. Interestingly, none of scientists did not gathered enough convincing evidence about the dangers of this habit.

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Scientists from Philadelphia convincingly proved that actually cracking knuckles even useful, because joints become more flexible and agile. But it is a sign of nervousness and lack of culture.

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Eating chocolate and drinking coffee


Thoughts about calories forced to give up this pleasure. But this rule only works if we are talking about instant coffee and milk chocolate.


In fact, organic coffee and dark  bitter chocolate – useful products.

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They have a lot of antioxidants, they strengthen the nervous system and easily heal from depression. American experts commissioned by the Office of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  developed and validated the standards of coffee consumption. They demonstrated that several standard coffee cups (not exceeding 5) decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

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http://www.justbewell.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/43_6842038-nail-biting.jpgIt is believed that a nail-biting is the way of complacency and helps to stabilize the emotions. Some psychologists explain this by saying that in the end, the habit becomes a kind of psychological drug. But this habit can damage your hands appearance.

For women it is more easy to overcome it – good nail job and beautiful manicure are the reason to stop  nail-biting. And man can use old trick – to apply some sour or bitter substance on nails.

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Let’s be honest: the news of the fails of others increase self-esteem. By the way, there is a scientific definition of the word “rumor” that psychologists have come up with: unauthorized judgments about people not present in the moment. Is it bad? Not at all, if there is no malevolence. At least, every girl should to know that glance models also have cellulite.

Have a nice day with JiJi!
