Learn Everything About Your Ovulation Cycle!

Even a healthy couple does not always succeed in conceiving a baby: if you do not try making a baby on a “favorable” day, you will not get pregnant.

Knowledge of your ovulation cycle and rules of conception will help you to calculate your most Wonderful Day!

sperm and egg cell

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Symptoms of ovulation

One of the most reliable and important symptoms of ovulation and favorable period for conceiving a baby is the change in the woman’s cervical fluid. Under the influence of estrogen the amount of fluid increases and it also becomes thinner.

Another important symptom of egg maturation is the decrease of rectal (basal) temperature during ovulation and its increase on the next day. In order to calculate your ovulation calendar more accurately, it is recommended to measure this temperature every morning at the same time for several months.


Sometimes when a woman is ovulating she can feel some pain in the abdomen: from mild and short-timed to severe and prolonged.

Moreover, some women experience the peak of sexual arousal while ovulating.

Ovulation calendar and the calculation of your conception period

According to the calendar method of calculating ovulation, women should keep track of the days of the beginning and the end of their menstrual cycles for at least six months.


In order to determine your individual fertile period (ovulation and conception calendar) with this data, you need to subtract 11 from the number of days of your longest cycle to get the last fertile day of the cycle, and subtract 18 from the number of days of the shortest cycle to find out your first fertile day.

For example, if your longest cycle is 32 days: then 32-11 = 21 (21st day of the cycle is the last in your fertile phase). If your shortest cycle is 26 days: 26-18 = 8 (8th day of the menstrual cycle (the first fertile day in the ovulation period). In this case, the most favorable period for conception is the period from 8th to 21th day of the cycle (13 days in total).


One of the best and most accurate ways to calculate your ovulation calendar and the best time conception of a baby is a combination of the methods described above. This combination is called Symptothermal method. It includes the measurement of basal body temperature, daily monitoring of the cervical fluid as well as accurate calculation of ovulation calendar and a favorable period for conception by calendar method.

You can use simple online ovulation calculator that can be found on the internet any time, but its calculations are not quite accurate.


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