Emotions are those valuable parts of all human beings that reflect their attitude to different occurrences, events, and people. There are lots of them – from the basic and simple to the most extravagant and unpredictable ones, as well as those that are positive and help us to acquire a good mood for the day or the negative ones. But what are the most common emotions that we experience on a daily basis? Let’s find out!
#1 – Interest
Interest is a positive emotional state contributing to developing skills and acquiring new knowledge. Interest is a very important feeling when working on new projects and starting up new things.
#2 – Joy
Joy is also a positive emotion, which is connected to the ability of full satisfaction. Joy is accompanied with self-satisfaction and the satisfaction about other people.
#3 – Surprise
The surprise is neither a positive nor a negative emotion. It’s rather something in the middle. It is a reaction to something that occurred unexpectedly. It blocks all previous emotions, directing all of your attention into a new object.
#4 – Suffering (grief)
Suffering or grief is the most spread negative emotional state related to acquiring a certain information about an inability to satisfy your own needs. The hardest form of suffering is grief related to irreparable loss.
#5 – Anger
Anger is a powerful negative emotional state, which appears as a response to the impediment of the very desired goals.
#6 – Disgust
Disgust is a negative emotion caused by the objects (things, people, and circumstances) the contact with which (physical or communicational) comes into a strong contradiction with one’s aesthetic and ideological principles.
#7 – Contempt
Contempt is another negative emotion that appears in relationships and caused by differences in opinions and living positions.
#8 – Fear
Fear is a negative emotional state, which appears if the subject is given information about the possible damage of his/her life or belongings. Unlike grief, fear is a response reaction to possible circumstances, which might even never happen.
#9 – Shame
Shame is a negative emotion expressed in awareness of own thoughts or actions contradicting to one’s own vision of an appropriate behavior.
#10 – Guilt
Another negative emotion is guilt expressed in unseemliness of one’s actions, thoughts or feelings. It is accompanied with regret and penance.