7 Important Skills You Must Help Your Kids Develop

All parents want their children to grow up happy and successful. That’s why moms and dads do not spare any time and money for education. But can a good education guarantee a bright future for your kid? Or there are other knowledge and skills that could be more useful?

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Ability to take a stand


The ability to defend your own opinion is a valuable skill, which is important to install from the very childhood as you won’t ever be with your child side by side. For this, you must show your kid that his/her opinion is important inside the family. The kid should know that you listen to him/her. In communication with him/her express your recognition and interest, and reply to your child’s questions with no sarcasm.



Children prefer to concentrate on things that are most interesting for them at the moment. That’s why it is important to make the time spending with your kids not only a useful but also an interesting one. For example, if you are teaching your kid the alphabet, you can ask your kid to write them in different colors on the paper, with a chalk on the ground or blackboard or make up the letters out of plasticine.



The sooner your kid learns to do some things on his/her own, the sooner he/she will become independent. This is especially important when your kid goes to school. Teach your kid to wear him/herself on their own, put the toys on their places, clean up if he/she spills anything. Don’t yell at your children for every mistake they make, be patient, they will learn to be self-dependents as well as they learned to walk and talk.

Team-work skills


From early ages, you should explain to your kid that there are certain rules in the society, which are a must to follow. By following these rules your kid will be able to build solid relationships with other humans. One of such rules is the ability to play as a team member. When teaching kids to do the teamwork, don’t compare them with others. Instead, you should just highlight the importance of each and every one and in the end of the team-task praise all of them.

Competence in foreign languages


The knowledge of two or more foreign languages will not only give your kid preferences in his/her future career but will help to broaden the horizons. There is certainly no better way of learning other countries’ cultures than communicating with their inhabitants in their native language.



Thanks to the skill of self-organization it will be easier for your kid to achieve goals, which is surely important in the adult life. The basis for self-organization is the agenda, which you should start organizing together with your kid gradually reducing your participation in it. You kid should also have enough time for hobbies, games and other entertaining things. However, the time for such things should also be limited. For example, it could be 2-3 hours a day.

Taking failures easily


The way in which your kid takes both victories and failures forms his/her self-esteem and defines their relationships with people. It is a common thing that some children fall into hysterics when losing in a game, and so parents take them home. This behavioral model plays a negative role in the kid’s skills to withstand the life obstacles and impedes on developing the strong side of their personality. Praise your kids for their achievements, but don’t forget about failures either – find the reasons together. Let your kid express his/her emotions when it doesn’t disturb others. And the most important thing – let your kids feel you love them and you believe in them!

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