The 10 Tables Of A Newcomer

While you are searching a job, the most important thing is to find it. But it’s also important to be able to keep it and the trial period was created for definite reasons. It’s possible that you will have to abandon some of your habits, but the result will be a stable working place – which is worth it.

Prepare to your new job with

The table #1 – Don’t show your character

1There are few people who can feel themselves comfortable on a new working place. And so it’s natural that you may be unsatisfied with most of the things, but your main task is to not show it to anyone. If after all, there is something you cannot deal with – you have always the right to leave. But until that moment when you haven’t made any certain decision, swallow it and be a goody.

The table #2 – Don’t argue with the superiors

2Even if you possess an endless experience and are sure of your professionalism, don’t hurry to show it to your heads. It is better if you don’t argue with your supervisors for the start. Show your potential through presenting your extraordinary skills and by executing the tasks assigned to you.

The table #3 – Don’t impose your own order

3Don’t try to optimize all the processes at new place. First, look if you are not crossing someone’s road. “Teaching” comments will be simply blocked by hostile attitude as long as you are a newcomer. But when you work for a long time in a company and get on the inside, you’ll be appreciated for your wide range of fresh ideas and your creativity.

The table #4 – Keep your habits with yourself

4No matter how rigorous your personal habits are, try not to demonstrate them. It is you who got used to them, but to your new colleagues they might seem inappropriate and even wild. There will be the time when your coworkers will positively look at you walking in a corset round the office. But for the first time it will be considered as an unacceptable weirdness.

The table #5 – Don’t take on yourself more than you are required to do

5Don’t try to impress the heads with your magnificent working capacity and your readiness to take up any task. You will always have gossips behind your back, and the supervisors might think you want to please them.

The table #6 – Agree and smile

6For the first time be ready that you will be executing someone else’s tasks. Even if you don’t like sending faxes or buying newspapers and your position doesn’t foresees this, don’t enter into conflicts with your colleagues – just accept the fate of a newcomer.

The table #7 – Don’t be late and leave in time

7Being punctual is a good habit. It will always come in handy in the future. But for the first time it is especially important. Regarding the issue of when to leave work, attentively observe what other workers do and act similarly. There are places where noisy crowds get up from their places precisely at 6 p.m. and rush to the door. But there are also places where it is normal to stay for some extra half an hour at work.

The table #8 – Don’t get addicted to a telephone

8Try not to have personal conversation via office phone. If in any case it is necessary, restrict yourself to short conversation to the point. To use a cell phone is neither a way out. You will be listened out and your conversation will probably be discussed and gossiped afterwards. Just put a low volume on your phone and converse shortly.

The table #9 – Rest in offline

9Don’t hurry to install online chatting programs at your new working place. In many companies it is carefully observed what does the employee (especially a new one) do at work during the working day, and even read their private messages. Be ready for it.

The table #10 – Watch your clothing

10For the first time new employees are placed under close scrutinywhat you wear, what makeup you put, and how does it all look like. So put on neutral clothing, the one that is accurate, clean, and ironed. In this way you won’t give anyone a chance to gossip about your outlook.

Follow the 10 tables of a newcomer and stay with

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