How To Know If You Are Ready For Marriage?

How do you know you’re ready for marriage?

Sooner or later, any relationship should go to a new level: people who love each other easily create a new family and give birth to children, and if they come up with excuses not to go to the registry office, it means that they are not quite ready for some logical continuation of their relationships.

It all depends on the priorities, desires, and goals of two young people.

Read on to find out our ready for marriage checklist!

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how did you know you were ready to get married

1. How do you know it’s time to get married

Your partner is ready if:

  • he takes responsibility and cares for you;
  • he plans a common future;
  • he is completely independent of parents;
  • he always says what he thinks about you, about your feelings and about your future children;
  • he is not trying to change you;
  • he does not like quarrels and is always looking for a compromise;
  • he really wants to have children with you;
  • he is ready to sacrifice his meetings with friends and relatives to have a good time together;
  • he says he had enough of one-day relationships.

To sum up:

  • if you understand that now you have to think and care of your partner (but not only of yourself) and do not only the things you like,
  • if you know what kind of person you need and what you expect from your future together,
  • if you don’t hide your own weaknesses and weak points, and if you do not yearn for past love – this is how did you know you were ready to get married!

ready for marriage checklist

2. How do you know it’s not the time to get married

Your partner is not ready if:

  • he does not want to take the responsibility and avoids by all means;
  • he tries to change you;
  • he does not want to talk about your common future, or if he talks about it, you are not in there;
  • he is very dependent on parents, especially from mother;
  • he does not share problems or joys with you;
  • he does not want to have children;
  • he is afraid of losing freedom;
  • he does not want to give up habits, hobbies, lifestyle for your sake;
  • he says he hadn’t had enough of easy relationships.

That is you feel the desire to get married is due only because of your age or psychological characteristics of your age.

Take a careful look at your partner, evaluate all his advantages and disadvantages, try to realize that feeling comfy in his arms is not a guarantee of a successful marriage!

how do you know you’re ready for marriage

“Are You Spiritually Ready for Marriage?”

Listen as Cornelius and Heather discuss the importance of being spiritually prepared for marriage.

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I love to always be in the epicenter of the events, and then tell the world about it in the most diverse forms.I believe that many rules are created in order to break them in an attempt to create something new.Many of us sometimes need to stop for a moment, perhaps lose something in order to rethink our existence and understand in which direction we need to move.In addition to blogging, I am fond of music composing, traveling, self-studying and meditation. I sincerely believe that if you go your own way and listen to your inner voice, you will definitely come where you were going!