How To Ask For A Raise At Work: Your 7 Tips For Success

You have been working in a company for a long time, you are completely satisfied with the post you hold, you have a set of responsibilities, there are certain growth prospects, and you really like your boss and colleagues. Well, you like everything except… the wages – and you think that it is time to raise it!

Now we will give you 8 proven tips on how to how to ask for a raise in salary right!

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1. You should wait for the right moment to come

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Make sure that the company is doing well: the customer base is growing, there are no problems with the incomes, the company is not under the tax control at the moment, and so on.

If you ask for a raise at the time of cost optimization or staff reduction, you may be considered as a blackmailer.

2. You should work in the company for at least six months

Ask your colleagues if annual salary indexation is practised – perhaps you have not finished this period yet. You can make an exception if your range of responsibilities has been substantially increased.

3. You should have serious arguments for asking for a raise

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Keep a “diary of achievements”, where you will mark the additional responsibilities you have taken. Keep in mind that your superior may not know everything so you should not brag, but only state the facts.

For example, you have done a big job, and it had increased the company’s profits – that’s one serious argument in your favour!

Thus, the survey results showed that among the arguments that employees used when discussing the increase in wages, the appeal to achievements and experience was the most popular.

Often, additional duties, provided by the employees were assumed as a serious argument to increase the salary.

4. Try asking for a higher position instead of a raising wage

Find out the average market salary for your position, compare it with your current salary.  After that, you can start talking about additional payment for new duties and responsibilities.

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5. Decide on the size of the proposed promotion, but leave the last word to your superior

For example, if you are asking for a promotion for a job well done, then this may be a conditional 5% added to the salary, but if you take on additional responsibilities, then you can talk about conditional 10-15%.

Also, you can avoid talking about the numbers, and propose your superior to make a decision – it is possible that he will offer more than you were expected.

6. Think about the possible compromise

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Perhaps, instead of a salary raise, the chef will offer you flexible working hours, additional weekends, or paying for refresher courses.

7. Prepare yourself for failure

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Find out exactly what you need to do to get a pay raise. After completing the conditions, you can return to discussing this problem again.

Barbara Corcoran Explains How To Ask For A Raise

At IGNITION, Business Insider asked real estate mogul and “Shark Tank” host Barbara Corcoran to share her advice on how to successfully ask your boss for a raise. Corcoran also talked about what you should do if you receive an offer from another company.

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I love to always be in the epicenter of the events, and then tell the world about it in the most diverse forms.I believe that many rules are created in order to break them in an attempt to create something new.Many of us sometimes need to stop for a moment, perhaps lose something in order to rethink our existence and understand in which direction we need to move.In addition to blogging, I am fond of music composing, traveling, self-studying and meditation. I sincerely believe that if you go your own way and listen to your inner voice, you will definitely come where you were going!