How To Start A Security Agency

Starting a security business is perhaps the cheapest of all types of business. However, it is very likely to become successful and profitable.

Today a security company takes chances in the market. The guards offer a product that is meticulously selected by potential customers who pay for it quite decently.


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Starting the business

To open a small agency, where the staff would work without any weapons, you will need only a couple of thousand dollars (for comparison, opening a hairdresser’s costs at least $ 42 thousand).



The activity of security agencies is licensed by the state. The license does not cost much, but it is given only by state office with specially trained civil servants.

You can train to become a guard and obtain a certificate (+ the right to carry weapon around) in a specialized private school. You will be allowed to use the weapons only after passing the exam in a special department of licensing and permitting services.



You will need an office where you will interview new employees, hold negotiations about providing your services to clients, and store the weapons.



These are special walkie-talkies and phones. The phones are used for reaching the operator, who is in the office all the time, while walkie-talkies are used for the communication of the security guards who are working in the same place.



The storage room for weapons is specifically built for this purpose. The walls, floor and ceiling should be immured with a special grid so that an attacker could not steal the guns and handcuffs even after dismantling the wall.

There should also be a place to recharge weapons with a bullet catcher. And naturally, there should also be armored doors with special locks and an alarm system.



Security companies are normally looking for clients among friends and acquaintances. As a rule, security-business is created by former heads of law enforcement agencies that have already-established customers and communication network.

After that everything depends on the reputation of the agency.



Profitability in this business ranges from 15% to 100%. It depends on the range of services.

For example, the protection of premises ensures the profitability of 20-25%, while VIP-bodyguard services provide 100%. One of the very promising directions in terms of profitability is console security.


It is important for a security agency to try to specialize in all kinds of licensed directions:  console security, private security (including VIP-escort), cargo security, etc rather than choosing just one direction.


Start up your business with the largest free classified ads portal Jiji – let the whole world hear about your offer!

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