Stereotypes And Cliches To Get Rid Of

Although you may consider yourself absolutely free and independent, it isn’t so. No, of course you can have your own business and be a big boss, but what we are talking about is your inner world and your mind.

No matter if we want it or not, from time to time we get under the influence of other people or certain circumstances. Our perception of the outer world is forming during our whole life, but there are some thoughts that settle down in our worldview and it is very hard to chance them. These thoughts are what we usually call stereotypes.


Jiji – sell and buy cheaper!


Both sides

Stereotypes have both good and bag influence on our mind, but we are more used to their negative side. Of course, it is quite obvious: stereotypes and clichés don’t let our mind be free, they kind of build the boarders for our thoughts. For example, you are a tiny girl and you grow up with a thought that all of the boys want to offend or hurt you, because they are evil. Such an opinion makes you suffer from this prejudice, because avoiding men you lose the possibility of some interesting and useful acquaintanceship.

It is a mistake of many people – a bad attitude to those who they have never met personally. It is also one of those cases when stereotype plays a big role. When you are a child you believe everything your parents say. They may also be wrong, just like any other people, but they are idols to their kids, so you trusted them in any little thing. And somehow, perhaps even involuntary, they made you think about something in a certain way.


Talking about the positive sides of the stereotypes, we have to mention what stereotypes are made for and what do they actually do. The thing is that they unload your brain. If there were no stereotypes, you would have to make a deep analysis of every thing and occurrence that happens to you.


But still, there is a huge drawback of stereotypes, because very often they don’t let you make right decisions. So you have to fight it. Here is a list of popular stereotypes you would better get rid of.


If something is expensive then it definitely is good.


If you really trust this saying, you are probably very bad at searching, because you can easily find a cheap, but high-quality alternative to many things. Today it is even kind of fashionable to save money, pay less but have the same. More and more people get disappointed in expensive things and get back to something anyone can afford.


One woman can’t be both smart and beautiful.


It is an old stereotype which somehow still lives in a modern society. Assertedly, those girls who have a pretty face can get anything they want without a slightest effort, so they don’t need to be clever. Today many women break this so-called rule and become successful thanks to their brains, and it doesn’t mean that they are ugly or something. And, again, those girls who get good marks at school are not necessarily “lemons”.


All movie stars are greedy and care about nobody but themselves.


Well, it is a rule that can easily be broken. Just remember such a couple as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt! They give a perfect example of not just talented and rich, but also very kind and generous people. You also may be surprised, but a lot of actors and singers donate huge amounts of money for charity, helping the ill children.


Money are very hard to earn.


A lot of successful people prove the opposite every day. There are millions of ways to earn a lot and be happy with your work. What you need to do is to find a job which would be good and interesting for you. Those who want look for the chances, those who don’t usually find the excuse.

By the way, this stereotype is usually stuck un the heads of the people who don’t make any serious effort to start living better. So, to get rid of this wrong thought start looking for your job. Begin with something small, and then you will see how everything will change.


All men lie to women.


Actually, the polls show that men find it hard to lie to the beloved woman. Besides, the picture of a perfect man includes honesty and being responsible for his own words. Corresponding to this picture is quite important for a lot of men, so they try to follow the rules. Of course, we can’t say it for all of the men in the world, but that’s why we call it a stereotype – where always are exceptions.


Don’t trust everything you hear: check the facts, rely on your personal experience and believe that there are a lot of good people around you.